Valentine’s Day at Moon Chun Memorial College – Love Song 2022/23
The Valentine’s Day event at Moon Chun Memorial College University of Macau has come to a satisfactory closure. Valentine’s Day is a day of love and romance. Whether people are spending the day with their valentine or friends, one can always express and send love through different ways. At MCM College, a special event called “Love Song” is held.
This year, on the evening of February 13, MCM College House Association (HA) collected college members’ wishes, wrote them down, and delivered them to the designated room along with Valentine’s chocolate. The next day, HA continued to send out fresh roses in the College lobby for all to spread the message of love and care. As the proverb says, “A gift of roses is a gift that will last forever,” MCM College HA held this event hoping to bring college members closer and create a more romantic and friendly aura among residents.
Flanked by roses, Valentine’s Day is not just a festival for couples. Valentine’s Day has become a day for both giving and receiving at MCM College. As the new semester has begun, we hope that everyone will continue to be blessed with warmth and love.
Written by Claire Wu
Valentine’s angels
Sending out love and care
澳門大學滿珍紀念書院的情人節活動「Love Song」已經完滿結束了。情人節是一個有關愛和浪漫的節日,無論是情人還是朋友,大家都可以選擇在這一天用不同的方式送出自己的心意。 今年,滿珍紀念書院院生會提前收集了同學的心意,並於2023年 2月 13日晚上,親手寫下大家的情人節祝福,一一送到接收祝福的同學房門口。而在情人節2月14日當天的中午,院生會也在書院大堂給院生贈送玫瑰花。俗話說「贈人玫瑰,手有餘香」,滿珍紀念書院舉辦本次活動的意義也是如此,期望通過心意傳遞,拉近同學間的距離,增添書院內的浪漫與和諧。
