MCM College Music Appreciation Workshop – Beethoven: Giant amid the Classical and Romantic Period
滿珍紀念書院音樂欣賞 –– 貝多芬:古典與浪漫時期中的巨人
University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College Music Appreciation workshop invited MCM College resident Chan Cheng as the speaker on Beethoven. As the giant amid the Classical and Romantic Period, Beethoven has lived and led a revolutionary life. His music revolutions include writing in traditional classical genres while expanded and lengthened the forms; using music as a tool to send serious humanity message, such as inner life and conflicts, making each work unique; he also expanded the orchestra and increased virtuosity in his compositions.
Chan walked through Beethoven’s three musical periods and his compositional changes over time, each supplemented with an excerpt of music. By the end of the workshop, audience were gathering around Chan, asking him more about Beethoven. The workshop has evolved from a simple presentation to a platform for peer learning, attracting more to get curious and engage in the process.
澳門大學滿珍紀念書院音樂欣賞工作坊邀請到滿珍紀念書院院生陳政同學作是次工作坊「貝多芬:古典與浪漫時期中的巨人」的主講人。身處在革命的時代,貝多芬為古典音樂界帶來不少革命性的改革:包括擴展和延長古典音樂的曲式; 以音樂作為傳遞內心掙扎和衝突的工具,使每部作品都記載着獨一無二的情感; 他還擴大樂隊編制,提高了作品中的技藝要求和輝煌性。
陳政分享了貝多芬的三個音樂時期和作曲變化,並附上不同選段的樂曲加以說明。工作坊結束時,同學都聚集在主講人身邊,向他詢問更多關於貝多芬的故事。 是次工作坊已從平常的演示演變為同儕學習的平台,令更多學生感到好奇並參與到音樂討論的過程中。