PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Social Sciences, by Ms. Hui ZHOU, on 28th March 2024

Dear Colleagues and Students,

I am pleased to announce that, Ms. Hui ZHOU a PhD candidate in PSYCHOLOGY in Faculty of Social Sciences, is going to have her oral defence on 28th March 2024 (Thursday). You are welcome to attend the oral defence.

Student Name: Ms. Hui ZHOU
Date: 28th March 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00
Venue: E21B-G002 (Humanities and Social Sciences Building)
Thesis Title: An investigation of the association between empathy and gambling disorder: The use of neuroimaging and questionnaire data


Examination Committee

Chair: Prof. Tianji CAI, Professor, Department of Sociology, FSS, UM
Supervisor: Prof. Anise Man Sze WU, Professor, Department of Psychology, FSS, UM
Co-supervisor: Prof. Zhen YUAN, Department of Public Health and Medicinal Administration, FHS and ICI-CCBS, UM
Members: Prof. Haiyan WU, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, FSS and ICI-CCBS, UM
  Prof. Letty Yan Yee KWAN, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, FSS, UM
  Prof. Jintao ZHANG, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University


Kindly note that video and/or audio recording is PROHIBITED while the oral defence is in progress.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences