“Two Laws” Ambassadors and Patriotism Team Members Explore “Zhong Shan Da Xue” Scientific Research Vessel, Deepening National Identity






The UM “Two Laws” Ambassadors and Patriotism Team Members visited the renowned “Zhong Shan Da Xue” Scientific Research Vessel at Gaolan Port, Zhuhai City last week. It is the largest scientific research vessel in our country, with the largest displacement and the strongest comprehensive research capability. This visit not only provided them with a unique opportunity to gain insights into the cutting-edge technologies and advancements in various scientific fields, including deep sea exploration, deep space research, ocean study, and meteorology, but also deepen their understanding of the importance of scientific and technological development to national security and strengthen our sense of national identity.

Accompanied by the research staffs, the “Two Laws” Ambassadors and Patriotism Team Members were firstly guided through the vessel, exploring its different facilities. They had the chance to visit the dry lab, wet lab, and various robotic arm specially designed for scientific research purposes. The visit allowed them to witness in person the remarkable technological developments in these fields. The Ambassadors and Team Members were then invited to have a fruitful sharing session with the ship’s captain, chief mate, second mate, and other crew members. They learned about the captivating stories and challenges encountered during their research expeditions in the vast ocean.

Prof. Sun Si Si, the leading academic staff of the visiting and a member of UMRC Promotion of the Two Laws Working Group, said that the visit to the research vessel “Zhong Shan Da Xue” was an important opportunity for the education on national security, which highlighted the importance of scientific advancements in shaping a prosperous future. It allowed students to deepen their understanding of scientific research through immersive experience and encouraged them to continue to pursue knowledge and fostering an in depth sense of national identity and self-confidence.