Scam Prevention Talk (10 April, 15:00), [0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS]

防騙招式大拆解 (4月10日 下午3時), [0.5 至叻星 & 10 CS ]


As many college students have recently been targeted by phone and internet scams and have incurred serious losses, it is important to strengthen students’ awareness of scam calls and avoid becoming the next victim. The Student Affairs Office holds a talk on the prevention of scam calls, which includes the latest scam call tactics, case analysis and prevention, etc. Please refer to the information below: 

日期: 2024年4月10日(三)
時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: E4-G051
語言: 普通話 
主講: 蘇桂龍博士(學生輔導處處長)
報名連結: 按此

Time: 10 April, 2024 (Wednesday)
Date: 15:00-16:00
Venue: E4-G051
Language: Mandarin 
Speaker: Dr. Elvo SOU (Head of Student Counselling Section)
Registration: Click here


如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821, 或電郵致
If you have any questions, you may contact 88224821, or email


Student Affairs Office