MCM College: Camões House – Fun Tennis Day


Last Wednesday, Camões House, Moon Chun Memorial College of University of Macau, organised a tennis workshop. Although the weather in the morning was less than ideal, however, the sunny afternoon was perfect for outdoor activities.

After warming up, students gathered to learn some basic skills. Those with previous tennis experience shared tips with their peers on improving their serving and hitting accuracy. Students then split into pairs and practiced on two separate courts. While initially struggling with serving and rallying, the assistant provided timely guidance for them to overcome the challenges. Students also helped each other, whilst improving their serves and techniques, even engaging in a few rounds of rallies.

Through this experiential activity, students were truly able to experience a sense of achievement that comes with “learning and achieving.” With continuous improvement and practice, they gained a great deal of confidence and motivation. Additionally, they learned how to collaborate with others and overcome difficulties and challenges. Such valuable experiences and lessons will have a profound impact on the students’ future growth.


上週三,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Camões House的學生領袖帶領書院同學來到學校的戶外網球場,開啟了一場網球體驗活動。雖然當天早上的天氣並不如理想,但是下午卻是陽光普照,十分適宜進行戶外活動。


