【IAS】: 2024 Excellence Publication Scheme – Call for Applications

Excellence Publication Scheme – Call for Applications
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) would like to invite applications for the “2024 Excellence Publication Scheme” (EPS). The application period is from March 28th to April 25th, 2024.
The EPS was established to encourage the academic staff at UM to achieve outstanding research results. It provides one-off funding and support for UM scholars to complete their outstanding academic works in the final stages and publish them in world-class publishing platforms in their respective fields. The successful candidate(s) will become fellow(s) of IAS and receive funding to alleviate their teaching workloads, covering some of their publishing expenses, paying for their postgraduate students’ attendance at international academic conferences, and so on.
If you are interested in the EPS, please fill in the application form and submit the documents listed below to ias.programme@um.edu.mo:
- Application form (Click and download)
- Copies of the author’s contract or correspondence letters with the editor
- Detailed curriculum vitae
- Attachments about the other stage of contribution
Please take note of the following information regarding the application submission:
- The target applicants for this scheme are internal faculty members of the University of Macau;
- Applicants should have completed the main body of their work. In other words, at least 80% of a book, or the complete first draft of a research paper should have been finished;
- It is preferable if the applicants can provide an acceptance letter/contract or initial comments and requirements of revision from the journals or publishers;
- The applicants should obtain the approval and signature of the Dean and Department Head prior to submission.
- “Section Three – Substitute teacher/general funding” of the application form cannot be modified after submission, and the subsequent allocation of funding will depend on the number of selected candidates and the information filled in that section.
Other notes:
- The one-off funding is expected to be used up within the fiscal year of 2024, and the remaining funding cannot be carried forward in the following years.
- The successful candidate(s) will automatically become fellows of the IAS and therefore belong to the fellowship scheme. Fellow(s) will still work in their original units, but should actively participate in the IAS academic activities, and timely submit academic outputs to the Office of the IAS for the record as required.
- The publication of the successful candidate(s) may be included in the IAS Book Series or Journal Series.
For more details regarding the scheme, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/excellence-publication-scheme-call-for-applications/. Applicants may consider their applications unsuccessful if they do not receive the notification within 3 months of application. Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.
Yours sincerely,
Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Macau
如果您對“2024年卓越出版計劃”感興趣,請填寫申請表格並提交下列文件到高研院郵箱 (ias.programme@um.edu.mo):
- 申請表(點擊下載)
- 作者與編輯的稿約合同或信函副本
- 個人簡歷
- 其他有幫助的材料
- 項目申請對象是澳門大學的内部教職員。
- 申請人擬出版的成果須主體內容已經完成,即書稿已經完成八成以上,或初稿已經完成。
- 如果申請人能提供稿約合同或初審評語及修訂要求更佳。
- 申請人應在申請表上獲得院長和及系主任的批准和簽字。
- 申請表中所填寫的“第三部分-代課安排/一般資助項目”提交後將不可作更改,後續資助金額將視乎獲選者的數目而定。
- “2024年卓越出版計劃” 所申請得到的相關資金需要在2024年之內用完,任何剩餘的資金均不可結轉使用。
- 申請人將自動成為高研院卓越駐院學人,卓越駐院學人仍在原屬單位辦公,但應活躍出席高研院的各種院辦學術活動,並按要求適時向院辦公室遞交各項成果作記錄之用。
- 最終成功獲得資助的出版物將會有可能被列入為高研院系列之叢書或期刊。
有關卓越出版計劃的更多詳情,請訪問高研院網站: https://ias.um.edu.mo/excellence-publication-scheme-call-for-applications/?lang=zh-hant。
如果申請人在申請后的三個月内未收到結果通知,則視為申請未獲成功。如果您有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件的方式隨時與我們聯繫: ias.programme@um.edu.mo 。
澳門大學人文社科高等研究院 敬啓
Recipients of the “Excellence Publication Scheme”