【Application】The practical way toward well-being (2024/04/24)

【講座報名】擺脫精神內耗,從「幸福九劍」開始—心理健康講座 (2024/04/24)




導師:李昇恆先生  澳門大學心理輔導員



時間:下午兩點半至四點(共1.5 小時)

地點: E3-1032 室

名額:30 名(額滿即止)

報名網址: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

任何垂詢,請電郵至senghangl@um.edu.mo 或致電8822 9916與李先生聯繫,謝謝。


Introduction: In our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into a trap of mental exhaustion, losing sight of the way forward. In this lecture, you will discover that well-being can be cultivated. Learn how to break free from mental drain and reclaim the peace and joy within.

Purpose: To help students rediscover the science of well-being and use practical methods to practice improving mental health and well-being.

Instructor:  Mr.Sam Lei, Counsellor of University of Macau

Target audience:  UM Student

Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

  Time: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (1.5 hours total)

地點: E3-1032 

Quota: 30

Application:   https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRoV2u5mOjklQ3A

For any inquiries, please email senghangl@um.edu.mo or call Mr. Lei at 88229916. Thank you.


Remarks: This activity has been included in the “Healthy Living” project in the “Full Person Development Award Scheme”. Students who attend the whole activity on time will be given 15.0 “Competency Score” 


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