【Athlete Prospect】Career Fair for Student Athlete —SJM Resorts, S.A. Session was held successfully
【體.前程】澳大運動員就業及實習計劃 -澳娛綜合專場「探索職業活動」圓滿結束

Group Photo
“Explore Your Careers Seminar” by SJM
Room Tour
Mocktail Making Experience Workshop
The “UM Athlete Career and Internship Programme” – SJM Resorts, S.A. Session (SJM) ”Explore Your Careers” was successfully held on 22 May. Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) invited SJM to organize this career fair and attracted 17 student-athletes to attend. The fair included 3 sessions: seminar, room tour and mocktail making experience workshop.
Through the seminar, students were given a brief overview of SJM background, current recruitment plan and internship programme, interview skills and career experience sharing from SJM staff, Ms. Elaine Wong, who is our UM alumni and currently the Assistant Manager of Grand Lisboa Palace Lobby Lounge. Ms. Wong shared her work experience about the daily operations of world-class food and beverage (F&B) services at integrated resorts and inspired students for exploring career development in this field.
Following the refreshment, was a guided tour to the rooms of 3 different hotels namely Grand Lisboa Palace, The Karl Lagerfeld and Palazzo Versace. Besides showing different design styles and features of each hotel, our students were also briefed on the function required for different positions in the hotels.
Finally, SJM organized a mocktail making workshop at Mesa which was conducted by an experienced bartender. He showed the steps of making a delicious and refreshing cocktail, students enjoyed so much to have a chance to prepare their own drinks.
It was a great opportunity for our student athletes to learn more about the features of an integrated resorts and the important information about the job practices, so that they could stay aware of the market development and enhance competitiveness in their career planning and development upon graduation.
澳大運動員就業及實習計劃 – 澳娛綜合專場「探索職業活動」於5月22日圓滿結束。
首部分澳娛綜合代表向學生運動員介紹企業背景、現有招聘及實習計劃、面試技巧及員工職涯經驗分享。職涯經驗分享講者 Elaine 現為上葡京助理大堂經理,亦同為澳大校友,向學生運動員們分享自己從求職到現今的職涯經驗。藉此讓他們深入了解綜合度假村世界級餐飲服務的日常運作,冀啟發及鼓勵他們探索餐飲管理的事業發展機會。
其後,澳娛綜合的代表帶領學生運動員參觀澳門上葡京綜合度假村內三間酒店,分別為澳門上葡京、The Karl Lagerfeld 及 Palazzo Versace。除了展示各間酒店不同的設計風格及特色外,同時向學生運動員們講解當中不同崗位的所需的職能。
最後澳娛綜合於 Mesa 為學生運動員們安排無酒精雞尾酒製作工作坊。在資深調酒師指導下,親手製作一杯屬於自己的無酒精雞尾酒。在完成及品嚐到自己的作品後,同學們都十分興奮並「打卡」留念。
文志遠 這次招聘會讓我了解到「澳娛綜合實習生計劃」及「管理培訓生計劃」的營運模式及培養機制。作為澳門大學 – 國際綜合度假村管理專業的學生,通過這次活動讓我看到了很多,同時也學到了很多校內學習以外的東西,例如認識許多不同工作崗位的實際操作情況。另外也參觀了上葡京內三家各具特色的酒店房間內部,這些都是非常寶貴的經歷與經驗。而且每個崗位的工作人員們都是言傳身教,從自己豐富的閱歷中將最寶貴的經驗提取出來分享給我們。 我非常喜歡且感激這次有趣的活動,受益匪淺! |
鄒冠華 很高興可以參加這次志願者活動,讓我可以實際進行志願者工作。未來仍然會參加澳大體育事務部為全運會志願者提供的實踐培訓工作。同時,這個行程也讓我有志願者工作以外的收獲。作為即將畢業的學生,知道企業有甚麼空缺及面試技巧等資訊對未來就業很有幫助。 另外,澳娛綜合的職員分享她由畢業找工作時的迷惘,找到一份並不是自己的專業的工作,到現在她已成功建立自己的事業來,這個分享很觸動我。另外,可以一次過參觀上葡京內三個不同主題酒店的客房,令我大開眼界。 |