【ELC-EELC2010 Activity】:Campus cleanup initiative: For a future bright and clean, let’s keep our campus green! April 24 (Wed)

【英語中心-EELC2010 活動】:Campus cleanup initiative: For a future bright and clean, let's keep our campus green! 4月24日 (三)

🙌🏻Are you ready to roll up your sleeves for a greener tomorrow? 🌱 Join our “Let’s Clean Up!” campaign and help us create a cleaner, healthier environment right here at the University of Macau!  

✨We’re students from EELC2010-003. To preserve our campus’s beauty and cleanliness, we’re launching a campus cleanup initiative on April 24th from 14:00 to 16:00 at E6-G111b. We invite every student and faculty member to join us.

Date: April 24th (Wednesday)

Time: 14:00-16:00

Location: E6-G111b

🌱 We’ll provide all the necessary cleaning tools, including gloves, trash bags, and pickers. But the most important thing you need to bring is your environmentally conscious heart!!!

Your contribution matters! Imagine the impact when every hand joins forces to create positive change. By participating, you actively shape the environment we share. Remember that every piece of trash you pick up contributes to a cleaner campus. Small efforts add up over time. Your hand could be the one that changes the situation. Remember: “For a future bright and clean, let’s keep our campus green!”. 🤝

When you lead by example, others follow. Don’t forget to bring your friends! Share the vision of a greener, more sustainable future. Let’s make our university a shining example of green campus .

If you want to join us, please scan the QR code on the poster.

Together, we can:

– Reduce campus garbage 🚮

– Create awareness about environmental protection 🌎

– Develop teamwork skills 👥