Friendly Reminder: “Series of Activities for World Environment Day 2024: Lights-off 1 Hour” 8:30 PM-9:30 PM on 5 June 2024 (Wednesday)

提提您:「2024世界環境日系列活動」之「齊熄燈,一小時」活動:2024年6月5日 (星期三) 晚上8:30-9:30

Dear Colleagues and Students,

To encourage environmental protection, our University will join the Series of Activities for World Environment Day 2024: Lights-off 1 Hourcampaign, which will take place at 8:30 p.m. on 5 June 2024 (Wednesday). Partial lightings of the following buildings or areas will be switched off for one hour, only essential lightings will remain:

Lobbies of the buildings Outdoor areas
  • Faculty of Science and Technology (E11)
  • Faculty of Health Sciences (E12)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21)
  • Faculty of Business Administration (E22)
  • Faculty of Law (E32)
  • Faculty of Education (E33)
  • Cultural Building (E34)
  • Landscape lightings – partial off
  • UM LED signage (Rooftop of Research Buildings N23 & N24) – all off


You are also encouraged to turn off unnecessary lights in the dormitory and at home to  support this meaningful activity!

Thank you for your participation and support!

Should you have any query, please contact Mr. Kimi Lam of EMS at ext.8011. For any emergency during non-office hours, please contact Security Centre at ext. 4000.

Best regards,

Electrical and Mechanical Section


        為提升環保意識,本校將參與「2024世界環境日系列活動」之「齊熄燈,一小時 活動;大學將於 2024年6月5日(星期)晚上8時30分把以下部分燈飾暫時關掉一小時,只維持基本照明。

建築物大堂 戶外範圍
  • 科技學院 (E11)
  • 健康科學學院 (E12)
  • 人文社科樓 (E21)
  • 工商管理學院 (E22)
  • 法學院 (E32)
  • 教育學院 (E33)
  • 崇文樓(E34)
  • 園林燈飾 – 部分關掉
  • 澳門大學LED標誌牌 (科研大樓N23及N24天台) – 全部關掉




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