UM Scholarships and Fellowships are Open for Application (Application Deadline: 18 June, 2024)

澳大獎/助學金現正接受申請 (截止日期: 2024年6月18日)

2023/2024 學年獎學金及助學金申請



  • 澳門商業銀行獎學金 (每名10,000澳門元)
    – 只限學士學位課程本地學生,主修商業經濟學、企業財務監控、會計學、金融學、計算機科學、法學(中文授課日間課程) 或法學(中葡雙 語授課日間課程)
    – 只限從未獲得此獎學金的學生申請

  • 宏利獎學金(每名5,000澳門元)

  • 澳門金濠漢堡慈善會獎學金(每名10,000澳門元)


  • 金沙中國有限公司助學金 (每名10,000澳門元)

  • 中國電信獎學金 (每名5,000澳門元)

  • 澳門金濠漢堡慈善會助學金 (每名10,000澳門元)


其他獎學金資訊,請瀏覽學生事務部網站。如有垂詢,請聯絡學生發展處許小姐 (電話:8822 4638;電郵。


1. 把已填妥及親筆簽署的申請表和所需文件於期限內掃瞄並上載到網上系統
2. 學生發展處會於檢查文件後以電話/電郵方式通知申請人是否需要補交文件。
3. 申請商業銀行獎學金、宏利獎學金、金濠漢堡慈善會獎學金及金濠漢堡慈善會助學金的學生於收到本處的電郵確認後把的申請文件正本遞交到E31-2006,並攜帶證明文件正本以便核對。只申請金沙中國有限公司助學金和中國電信助學金的則無需遞交文件正本,除非本處通知需要檢查文件。

1. 申請獎學金的學生須於遞交紙本時為每一項獎學金遞交一套獨立文件,本處會於收件後轉交相應捐贈機構進行甄選(包括澳門商業銀行獎學金、宏利獎學金和金濠漢堡慈善會獎學金及助學金)。
2. 獎學金申請者有機會被捐贈機構邀請參加獎學金面試。
3. 金沙中國有限公司助學金和中國電信助學金申請不適用於2023/2024學年畢業的學生。
4. 申請期:
– 遞交網上申請: 2024年5月6日 – 6月18日.
本處會於收到文件後10個工作天內以電話/電郵方式與申請人聯絡有關補交文件 (如需要) 及遞交申請文件正本事宜。


1. 申請人的身份證副本
2. 申請者及家人的收入證明文件
2a. 僱主發出的收入證明: 於過去12個月擁有有薪工作 (全職/兼職)的成員
2b. 「收入聲明書」: 自僱、退休 (有收取退休金/養老金/其他收入) 或因其他原因無法提供上述收入證明的成員 (範例)
2c. 「無收入聲明書」: 於過去12個月無收入之成員 (範例)
3. 「家庭收入聲明書」 – 家庭總收入須與所有家庭成員於第2a, 2b 和2c 項列明的個人收入加總相等


1. 申請人的身份證副本
2. 申請者及家人的收入證明文件
2a. 僱主發出的收入證明: 於過去12個月擁有有薪工作 (全職/兼職)的成員 
2b. 「收入聲明書」: 自僱、退休 (有收取退休金/養老金/其他收入) 或因其他原因無法提供上述收入證明的成員 (範例)
2c. 「無收入聲明書」: 於過去12個月無收入之成員 (範例)
3. 「家庭收入聲明書」
– 家庭總收入須與所有家庭成員於第2a, 2b 和2c 項列明的個人收入加總相等
4. 已填妥及由相關部門蓋章之「澳門大學學生經濟情況調查表」(內地學生)

1. 「獎學金申請表 」(填妥並親筆簽署)
2. 申請人的身份證副本
3. 申請者及家人的收入證明文件
3a. 僱主發出的收入證明: 於過去12個月擁有有薪工作 (全職/兼職)的成員
3b. 「收入聲明書」: 自僱、退休 (有收取退休金/養老金/其他收入) 或因其他原因無法提供上述收入證明的成員 (範例)
3c. 「無收入聲明書」: 於過去12個月無收入之成員 (範例)
4. 「家庭收入聲明書」 – 家庭總收入須與所有家庭成員於第2a, 2b 和2c 項列明的個人收入加總相等
5. 成績表 (包括2023/2024第二學期成績) (無需於本系統上載此文件,於收到本處確認遞交正本即可)
– 學生須於網上繳費服務系統申請 (MOP55, 非密封)
– 第二學期的成績將5月31日公佈,所以請於此日期後申請成績表
– 由於法學院會於較後時間公佈成績,法學院學生須遞交:    
->如最近一/兩個學期的成績尚未包括在上述成績表,請同時提供Student account 上最新一/兩個學期的 E-academic report截圖

6. 最近一學年曾領取的獎學金證明 (如有)
7. 最近一學年曾參與之課外活動、社會服務或文化學術之貢獻的證明 (如有)
8. 最近一學年所領取的其他獎項證明 (如有)


1. 「金濠漢堡慈善會申請表 」(需親筆簽署)
2. 申請人的身份證副本
3. 成績表 (包括2023/2024第二學期成績) (無需於本系統上載此文件,只需遞交紙本即可)
– 學生須於網上繳費服務系統申請 (MOP55, 非密封)
– 第二學期的成績將於5月31日公佈,所以請於此日期後申請成績表
– 由於法學院會於較後時間公佈成績,法學院學生須遞交:
>如最近一/兩個學期的成績尚未包括在上述成績表,請同時提供 Student account 上最新一/兩個學期的E-academic report截圖

4. 申請學生在學期間曾參與之社會服務證明書副本(如有)
5. 所有家庭成員(包括申請學生)自去年5月至今年4月由僱主簽發之「收入聲明書」(表格由金濠漢堡慈善會提供) (獎學金申請者無需遞交此文件)
6. 其他有助於助學金申請之證明 (獎學金申請者無需遞交此文件)

請以 CNY1 : MOP1.1242 計算。


Scholarships and Fellowships Application 2023/2024

Every year, UM receives scholarship and fellowship donations from various organizations and individuals. The following scholarships and fellowships are now open for applications. The application period is from 6 May – 18 June 2024. If you are interested, please submit the application form and the appropriate documentation to the online application system during the application period.


  • Banco Comercial de Macau Scholarship (MOP10,000 each)
    – For bachelor’s degree local students, majoring in Business Economics, Financial Controllership, Accounting, Finance, Computer Science, Law (Day-time programme taught in Chinese) or Law (Day-time programme taught in Chinese and Portuguese)
    – Only applicable to students who have not been granted this scholarship

  • Manulife Scholarship (MOP5,000 each)
    For bachelor’s degree local students from Faculty of Business Administration or Faculty of Health Sciences

  • The Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Scholarship (MOP10,000 each)
    For bachelor’s degree local students in year 1 to 3


  • Sands China Ltd. Fellowship (MOP10,000 each)
    For bachelor’s degree local students with financial difficulties

  • China Telecom Scholarship (MOP5,000 each)
    For bachelor’s degree Mainland China students with financial difficulties

  • The Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Fellowship (MOP10,000 each)
    For bachelor’s degree local students with financial difficulties, in year 1 to 3

*Fellowship application is NOT for students who will graduate in the academic year 2023/2024.

For information on other scholarships, please visit the website of the Student Affairs Office. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms Kaman Hoi (Tel: 8822 4638; Email:

Student Development Section
Student Affairs Office

Application Procedures
1. Scan and upload the completed application form with handwritten signature and the required documents to the online system.
2. SDS will contact the applicant by phone/email for further papers if necessary.
3. Students who apply for the BCM Scholarship, Manulife Scholarship, Golden Burger Scholarship, or Golden Burger Fellowship must submit a paper copy of their documents to the E31-2006 counter after receiving email confirmation from the Student Development Section. Please also provide the original proofs for verification. For the Sands China Limited Fellowship and China Telecom Scholarship, applicants do not need to submit a paper copy unless required.

1. Please prepare a separate copy of the documents for each scholarship. The documents will be sent to the donating organizations for selection (BCM Scholarship, Manulife Scholarship, Golden Burger Scholarship and Fellowship).
2. The donating company may contact the applicants to schedule scholarship interviews.
3. Application Period:
– Submission of online application: 6 May – 18 June 2024
SDS will contact the applicant by phone/email for further papers if necessary and for submission of paper copy

Application documents

Sands China Ltd. Fellowship
1. ID copy of the applicant
2. Income/Salary proofs of the applicant and family member(s):
2a. Salary proofs issued by employers:
Family members who had paid jobs (full-time and part-time) in the past 12 months
2b. “Declaration of Income”
Family members who are self-employed, retired with pension/other incomes, or unable to submit the salary proof mentioned above due to other reason(s). Please also provide the official letter(s) issued by the government/ employer/ related organization, bank transfer record, etc.)
2c. “Declaration of No Income”
Family members who did not have income in the past 12 months
3. “Declaration of Household Income”
– Total income of the whole family on this form should be equal to the income earned by all members (add up 2a, 2b and 2c)

China Telecom Scholarship (Fellowship)
1. ID copy of the applicant
2. Income/Salary proofs of the applicant and family member(s):
2a. Salary proofs issued by employers:
Family members who had paid jobs (full-time and part-time) in the past 12 months
2b. “Declaration of Income”
Family members who are self-employed, retired with pension/other incomes, or unable to submit the salary proof mentioned above due to other reason(s). Please also provide the official letter(s) issued by the government/ employer/ related organization, bank transfer record, etc.)
2c. “Declaration of No Income”
Family members who did not have income in the past 12 months
3. “Declaration of Household Income”
– Total income of the whole family on this form should be equal to the income earned by all members (add up 2a, 2b and 2c)
4. “University of Macau Undergraduate Students Proof of Financial Status Form” with chop from authorized departments (Mainland China students only)

Banco Comercial de Macau (BCM) Scholarship and Manulife Scholarship
1. Scholarship Application Form (Completed with handwritten signature)
2. ID copy of the applicant
3. Income/Salary proofs of the applicant and family member(s):
3a. Salary proofs issued by employers:
Family members who had paid jobs (full-time and part-time) in the past 12 months
3b. “Declaration of Income”
Family members who are self-employed, retired with pension/other incomes, or unable to submit the salary proof mentioned above due to other reason(s). Please also provide the official letter(s) issued by the government/ employer/ related organization, bank transfer record, etc.)
3c. “Declaration of No Income”
Family members who did not have income in the past 12 months
4. “Declaration of Household Income”
– Total income of the whole family on this form should be equal to the income earned by all members (add up 2a, 2b and 2c)

5. Original copy of academic transcript (Include the academic result of 2023/2024 2nd semester)
(Do not need to upload this document to the online system, you have to submit this together with the paper copy of the other documents after receiving SDS’s confirmation)
– Students should apply for the transcript at the Online Payment Service (OPS) system (MOP55, unsealed)
– The academic result of the 2023/2024 2nd semester will be released after 31 May. Please apply for the transcript after this date
*Please make sure the result of 2nd semester is already available before submitting the application for a transcript
– FLL students should provide:
     > Transcript applied through OPS system, and
     > If the  1st and/or 2nd semester of 2022/2023 academic result has not been released and included in the above-mentioned transcript, please also provide a screenshot of the “E-academic record” of that semester in the student account

6. Proof of scholarship during the past academic year, if any
7. Proof of applicant’s extra-curricular activities, contribution to social services, culture and academic achievements during the past academic year, if any
8. Proof of other awards received during the past academic year if any

The Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Scholarship and Fellowship
1. Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Application form (Completed with handwritten signature) 
2. ID copy of the applicant
3. Original copy of academic transcript (Include the academic result of 2023/2024 2nd semester)
(Do not need to upload this document to the online system, you have to submit this together with the paper copy of the other documents after receiving SDS’s confirmation)
– Students should apply for the transcript at the Online Payment Service (OPS) system (MOP55, unsealed)
– The academic result of the 2023/2024 2nd semester will be released after 31 May. Please apply for the transcript after this date
*Please make sure the result of 2nd semester is already available before submitting the application for a transcript
– FLL students should provide:
     > Transcript applied through OPS system, and
     > If the  1st and/or 2nd semester of 2022/2023 academic result has not been released and included in the above mentioned transcript, please also provide a screenshot of the “E-academic record” of that semester in the student account

4. Proof of participation in community services in the past academic years, if any
5. “Income statements” of all family members (including the applicant) (Scholarship applicants do not need to submit this document)
6. Other documents that are helpful for the application (Scholarship applicants do not need to submit this document)


* “Family members” refers to all the members who live with the applicant and members who economically depend on/support the family but are working/studying abroad.
** “Past 12 months” means May 2023 to April 2024.
*** Please use the exchange rate CNY1 : MOP1.1242 when the currency of income amount is in CNY.