FSS-DGPA workshop (Jean Monnet Activities): ‘Understanding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and Its Global Implications’ @ 25/05/2024; 09:45-17:30; E21B-G002

社會科學學院政府與行政學系研討會 (讓莫內活動)

Dear all

You are cordially invited to join the following FSS-DGPA workshop (Jean Monnet Activities). Thanks!

Details are as follows:

Date: 25/05/2024 (Saturday)
 Time: 09:45-17:30
Venue: E21B-G002
Topic: Understanding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and Its Global Implications
Themes and Objectives: As unprecedented trends and challenges unfold across the world, it is crucial to partake in timely and meaningful scholarly reflections on their impacts on Europe in the world and EU’s relations with the Indo-Pacific, including the China-Europe relationship. It is important both academically and policy wise. The JMC International workshop “Understanding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and Its Global Implications” will be held on 25th May 2024. This workshop brings together both renowned and emerging scholars of International Relations from mainland China, Macao SAR, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe.
Language: English
Panels: Panel 1 – 10:00-11:10: Economic and Technological Resilience
Panel 2 – 11:30-12:40: Interregional Connectivity (Hybrid)
Panel 3 – 14:30-15:40: Emerging Security Linkages
Panel 4 – 16:00-17:10: Perspectives of Regional Actors

Should you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us at fss.gpa@um.edu.mo

Department of Government and Public Administration
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Macau