【IAS】Call for Applications: 5th IAS Fellowship Scheme


Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the call for applications for the 5th IAS Fellowship Scheme. This fellowship opportunity aims to foster interdisciplinary research and collaboration among our esteemed faculty members and researchers.

Scheme Highlights

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Engage in collaborative research projects that transcend disciplinary boundaries, allowing for innovative approaches and fresh perspectives;
  • Activity Support: While the IAS Fellowship Scheme does not provide direct research funding for UM regular staff, successful applicants will receive administrative support from the institute while organizing impactful events such as IAS Conferences, Guia Lectures, Guest Lectures, Public Forums, or other academic exchanges that fit with the objectives and resource availability of IAS;
  • Networking and Recognition: Establish connections with esteemed researchers from diverse disciplines, fostering cross-faculty collaborations and potential partnerships. Showcase research outcomes through publications and presentations, providing an opportunity to acknowledge the collaboration with IAS and other fellows.

Key Information

  • Eligibility: All regular academic staff of the University of Macau
  • Application Period: 23rd May – 13rd June 2024
  • Application Method: Please fill in the application form and return it to the IAS Office through email (ias.programme@um.edu.mo) or internal mail (E34-3004). 
  • Application Formhttps://go.um.edu.mo/dilwm767
  • Guideline: https://go.um.edu.mo/uxnhmnkw
  • Fellowship Duration: 2 years (academic year 2024-2026)

Please visit https://ias.um.edu.mo/fellowship-scheme/ for more information in detail. Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the IAS Office at 8822 2082.

We look forward to receiving your applications and collaborating with you to establish a vibrant research community at UM through interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration!

Best regards,

Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences




  • 跨學科合作: 學人參與跨越學科界限的合作研究項目,獲得創新方向及全新視角;
  • 活動支持:駐院學人計劃不設直接研究經費,學人如在高研院組織學術會議、東望洋講座、嘉賓講座、崇文講座或其他符合高研院理念的學術交流且有影響力的活動時,將獲得研究院的行政支援(視乎資源分配而定);
  • 學術聯繫: 學人與來自不同學科的研究人員建立網絡,催化跨學科交流和潛在的合作夥伴機會,學人通過發表論文研究和演講,展現與高研院及其他學人的合作成果。


有關駐院學人計劃更多資訊,請訪問 https://ias.um.edu.mo/fellowship-scheme/?lang=zh-hant如有任何疑問或需進一步協助,歡迎致電8822 2082與高研院辦公室聯絡。我們期待收到您的申請,透過跨學科對話與合作,攜手建立一個積極、活躍的跨學科研究平台!


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