Important Notice: Beware of phishing emails with the subject “Infringing Copyright or Violating Legal Regulations”
提防以“侵占版權或違反法律條例” 為題的釣魚電郵

資訊安全警示 Information Security Alert
To: All Users
The Cybersecurity Incident Alert and Response Centre (CARIC) was informed that hackers have been sending phishing emails to various operators with the subject “Infringing Copyright or Violating Legal Regulations” to deceive users to download and open crypto ransomware virus.
The mentioned email accuses the website content of recipient’s organization, involving copyright infringement or violation of laws and regulations, and requires the recipient to click on the link provided as below in the email:
to download a compressed file with the “.rar” to understand the specific situation and remove the infringing content, otherwise legal action will be taken against the recipient, and the decompression password is provided in the email. After the analysis by CARIC, the compressed file contains an executable program that may download and install crypto ransomware once executed. Once infected, the computer of the victims may be subjected to ransomware encryption, remote control, information leakage and other hazards.
- If you receive similar email, do not download or open any files, and immediately notify ICTO Helpdesk for follow up;
- Ensure the antivirus software is installed and virus definition files are regularly updated;
- Do not open suspicious email attachments or links, and do not enter important information such as account passwords on suspicious websites.
Sample of the malicious email:
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact ICTO Help Desk.
ICTO Help Desk
Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5), eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
email :
Information and Communication Technology Office
網絡安全事故預警及應急中心得悉,近月有黑客向不同營運者發出以 “侵占版權或違反法律條例” 為題的釣魚電郵,誘騙用戶下載開啟加密勒索病毒。
下載一個副檔名為”.rar”的壓縮檔案,以了解具體情況並移除侵權內容,否則將對收件構件採取法律行動,並且在電郵內提供上述檔案的解壓密碼。經網安中心分析, 該壓縮檔包含一個可執行程式,一旦運行,它可能會下載並安裝加密勒索病毒。一旦感染,受害者的電腦可能會被加密勒索、遠程控制,以及遭受信息泄露等危害。
- 倘若收到類似電郵,切勿下載或開啟任何檔案,並即時通知資訊及通訊科技部服務中心跟進;
- 確保安裝運行防毒程式並經常更新病毒程式特徵庫;
- 切勿打開可疑的電子郵件附件或連結,以及於可疑網站中輸入帳戶密碼等重要資料。
服 務 中 心
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)二樓2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 :