IOTSC TALK SERIES: Variations of hydrological simulation scales: reanalysis, prediction, applications, capacity building, and challenges

Dear Colleagues and Students,
The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City would like to invite you to join our IOTSC Talk Series on 29/05/2024 (Wednesday). We are pleased to invite Prof. Mengye CHEN from University of Oklahoma as the speaker.

Variations of hydrological simulation scales: reanalysis, prediction, applications, capacity building, and challenges
Speaker: Prof. Mengye CHEN
Date: 29/05/2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Language: English
Venue: N21-5011K

Water extremes have significantly affected human society. It is said that “flood destroys cities, and drought destroys civilizations.” As studies have shown signs of the correlation between Climate Change and water extremes intensification, the next wonder is what the potential future water extremes would be under climate change and how much they will affect green and grey infrastructure. This presentation contains the research journey of Dr. Chen that leads to the question above, and the continuing research effort to solve the question, as well as an introduction to the computational tools that were developed by Dr. Chen. The presentation centers around the CREST hydrological model family, a fully distributed model built by C++ and Python, and its applications in climate change and natural hazard studies in USA.

Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Mengye Chen is a Research Scientist at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS) at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Chen graduated from the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the University of Oklahoma focusing on flood and extreme precipitation research. During his course of study, Dr. Chen co-designed and invented CREST-iMAP. By 2023, Dr. Chen has published and co-authored 30+ papers and one book chapter. He ran special issues for MDPI journals Atmosphere, Remote Sensing, and AGU journals JGR: Atmosphere, and Water Resources Research. He now serves the Earth & Space Science journal as an Associate Editor. Dr. Chen completed his Master’s degrees in Agricultural Economic and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois Urban-Champaign and obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University.

For enquiries: Tel: 8822 9159

Best Regards,
State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City