Schedule for handling of discarded or improperly parked bicycles on campus in 2024





處理事項 處理時間
張貼需清理的單車告示 03/06/2024-14/06/2024
清理單車 17/06/2024-28/06/2024



  • 欠缺單車配件如把手、坐墊及輪胎等(如圖所示)
  • 單車鏈斷裂、鏽蝕嚴重或不具備使用條件等;
  • 違規停泊在行人路、走廊、樓梯底、室內及消防通道等位置的單車(如圖所示)


車主可憑單車收據、相片、註冊號碼或單車鎖匙等於辦公時間內(星期一至星期五上午9時至下午1時及下午2時至5時45分)到保安中心(E7-G003c)查詢或認領單車。若逾期超過1年未被領回者,將按失物處理,如有任何查詢,歡迎致電保安中心(電話:8822 4126)。

保安及設施服務處作為一個方便單車循環再用的平台,現推出自願回收單車計劃。車主可於辦公時間到保安中心(E7-G003c)登記自願放棄單車。同時,如同學或教職員有興趣循環再用回收後的單車,可致電8822 4126查詢或預約選取時間。


1. 申請表格可到以下網站 ( 自行下載或到保安中心(E7-G003c)索取;
2. 將填妥的申請表電郵至;
3. 接獲通知後,請帶同學生證或職員證及單車親臨保安中心領取單車證。

  如有任何查詢,歡迎致電保安中心(電話:8822 4126)。



Dear Students and Colleagues,

1. Clean-up program towards discarded and improperly parked bicycles throughout campus

In order to maintain the orderliness of campus environment, make good use of resources, and avoid public space occupancy and safety hazard caused by discarded bicycles, SFS plans to clear the above mentioned bicycles on a yearly basis, with schedule listed below:

Handling discarded/improperly parked bicycles in 2024
Item Date
Place notice on bicycles 03/06/2024-14/06/2024
Clean-up bicycles 17/06/2024-28/06/2024


Security team will check the bicycles parked on campus according to the above schedule and place notices on the bicycles that meet any of the following criteria:

  • Lack of bicycle accessories, for instance, handlebars, saddles, tires etc. (as shown in the picture)
  • Chains broken, severely rusty or other conditions not suitable for future use;
  • Improperly parked in places such as pavements, corridors, space under stairs, indoors, fire exits etc. (see the example picture)

Bicycle owners should remove the above bicycles prior to the deadline stated on the notice. Should the owners fail to contact our office or timely move away their bicycles within the designated time period, the involved bicycles will be impounded to our warehouse for temporary custody.

Owners can visit the Security Centre (E7-G003c) during office hours (Mondays to Fridays, 9:00am – 1:00pm, 2:00pm – 5:45pm) to make an inquiry or claim back the bicycles by presenting a valid bicycle receipt, photo, bicycle permit number and the right keys to the bicycle locks. If the impounded bicycles are not claimed for over a year, they will be processed as lost items. Please contact Security Centre at 8822 4126 for any doubt.

2. Voluntary recycle and re-use of bicycle program
As a platform to encourage recycle use of bicycles, a voluntary bicycle recycling program has been launched. The bicycle owners shall complete the registration form for voluntary bicycle disposal in Security Centre (E7-G003c) during office hours. Meanwhile, interested parties for re-using recycled bicycles could raise their request or make the reservation by calling 8822 4126 for query or further arrangement.

3. Bicycle registration
Each self-bought bicycle should be registered with the Security and Facilities Services Section. The registration of your personal bicycles can help identifying bicycles in use on campus. It also serves as a proof for bicycle owner. The applicants should submit the completed registration form with a color photo of bicycle to SFS. Upon completion of registration, a permit will be placed on your bicycle for identification. Below please find the application procedures:

Download the application form from the website ( or get it from the Security Centre (E7-G003c);
Send the completed application via email to;
Upon receipt of SFS’s notification, bring your Student Card/Staff Card and bicycle to the Security Centre in person for collecting the bicycle permit.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact Security Centre at 8822 4126.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section