Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship was invited to attend the HKUST Unicorn Day 2024

創新創業中心獲邀出席港科大Unicorn Day 2024

5月31日,澳門大學創新創業中心(中心)代表受邀參加香港科技大學(港科大)舉辦的年度旗艦活動“獨角獸日 (Unicorn Day)”(活動),該活動展出逾100間港科大成員推動的初創企業及技術,涵蓋了電子、人工智能(AI)、智能系統、新材料、新能源、可持續發展以及生物醫學與健康等前沿科技領域的最新突破。


活動結束後,中心代表亦去參觀了港科大香港賽馬會創新科技中心,並了解港科大在第49屆日內瓦國際發明展的36個獲獎項目。此次參訪為雙方共同培養具有國際視野和創新精神的優秀人才奠定了基礎,未來,雙方將繼續攜手合作。中心亦將於下半年舉辦年度活動“極創客(The Ultimater)”,向創業者、企業界、投資者以及公共機構各界展示澳門大學產學研成果,為澳門產業升級、多元化發展、跨產業合作等搭建溝通的橋梁,尋找高新科技的合作夥伴,提升自身的競爭能力。     

On 31 May 2024, representatives from the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) of the University of Macau (UM) were invited to attend the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)’s annual Unicorn Day. Featuring an impressive exhibition of over 100 HKUST’s cutting-edge technologies spanning Electronics, AI and Smart Systems; Material, Energy and Sustainability, and Bio-Medical and Healthcare and a series of activities, the event attracted over 1,000 distinguished guests to campus, including 6 legislators, representatives from 9 consulates general, as well as many business leaders, government officials, potential investors, and other key stakeholders.


The event included symposiums, investment dialogues, and networking opportunities for HKUST-grown entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors, promoting the exchange of ideas and collaborations on entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer. During the event, representatives engaged in deep discussions with Prof.Yang Wang, the Vice-President for Institutional Advancement of the HKUST on the topic of innovation and entrepreneurship.


After the event, representatives visited the Hong Kong Jockey Club Enterprise Center of the HKUST and learned about the 36 award-winning innovative research novelties projects HKUST presented at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva.


The visit laid the foundation for cultivating outstanding talents with international vision and innovative spirit. Moving forward, both parties intend to maintain a close collaboration. CIE will also host its annual event, “The UltiMater,” in the second half of the year. The event will showcase the latest development of industry-academia collaboration and start-up incubation at the university, create a good atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote the commercialization of the results of innovation and entrepreneurship projects. Also to build a bridge for cross-industry cooperation and development, pair high-tech partners, and enhance the competitiveness of Macau’s industries.




