Important Notice: Beware of emails sent by Medical Research Archives or European Society of Medicine
重要通知:提防 Medical Research Archives 或 European Society of Medicine 發送的電郵

資訊安全警示 Information Security Alert
To: All Users
Beware of the email invitation sent by organizations such as Medical Research Archives or European Society of Medicine, etc. Although their invitation is seemingly cordial, attention should be paid to its predatory business practices involving significant publication fees (, and submitting research papers to them or speaking at their annual meetings may result in loss of money or time.
As reported by Flaky Academic Conferences website ( The website notes that it is not entirely clear what the European Society of Medicine is. It may be a product of the alleged predatory publisher Knowledge Enterprises, Inc. (KEI).
Below is further information and related discussion for your reference:
- More in-depth discussion in the ResearchGate related discussion forum (
- Beall’s List of potentially predatory open access publishers (
- ThinkCheckSubmit website also provides additional advice on choosing a trustworthy publishing platform (
Sample of the emails:
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact ICTO Help Desk.
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Information and Communication Technology Office
小心警惕來自 Medical Research Archives 或 European Society of Medicine 等機構發送的電郵邀請。儘管他們的邀請表面上親切,但須關注其涉及高額的發表費用 ( 的掠奪性商業行為,且向他們提交研究論文和/或在其年會上發表演講可能會導致金錢或時間的損失。
如 Flaky Academic Conferences ( 網站所報導。該網站指出,European Society of Medicine 到底是什麼並不太明確。它可能是所謂的掠奪性出版商Knowledge Enterprises, Inc. (KEI) 的產品。
- ResearchGate 相關討論區中有更深入的探討 (
- Beall List 中列出的可能存在掠奪性質的開放存取出版商名單 (
- ThinkCheckSubmit 網站還提供了更多關於選擇可信賴出版平台的建議供參考 (
服 務 中 心
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)二樓2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 :