【IAS】Call for Papers – IAS 4th Annual Conference (2024)

【高研院】論文徵集 - 高研院第四届年度會議 (2024)

Annual Conference IAS Call for Papers



The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) of the University of Macau is now calling for papers for the “Fourth IAS Annual Conference”, which will be held from November 7 to 8, 2024. The conference theme is Understanding the Population Dynamics: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Global Challenge.

Conference Theme

The global population dynamics manifests in many critical aspects—rapid population growth in some regions due to immigration and significant declines in others because of social and economic reasons. These demographic shifts present complex challenges that impact socio-economic stability, environmental sustainability, and global health. This conference aims to unpack the multifaceted nature of the population dynamics through a multidisciplinary lens, exploring its causes, consequences, and the efficacy of current strategies aimed at addressing these issues. Drawing upon recent research and case studies, this conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the demographic trends shaping our world and facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices for addressing these trends. This conference is geared towards academics, policymakers, environmentalists, and professionals working in public health and urban development, as well as anyone interested in the intersection of population dynamics and global sustainability.


The primary objective of this conference is to foster a deeper understanding of the global population dynamics, emphasizing an integrated approach that incorporates insights from demography, economics, law, philosophy, history, environmental science, and public policy. By examining the global challenges of population increase and decrease, this conference will highlight the need for nuanced, region-specific solutions while also advocating for international collaboration in addressing global demographic imbalances.

Key Topics to be Covered

Submissions can be made around, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Demographic Overview: Global trends in population growth and decline; identification of key regions facing overpopulation and under population challenges.
  • Socio -Economic Impacts: Analysis of how demographic shifts affect economic growth, labor markets, healthcare systems, and urban planning.
  • Gender and Population Change: The uneven growth of population due to gender biases and how to address the related issues.
  • Immigration and Population Growth and Decrease: Examination of internal and international migration trends, causes, and effects.
  • Population Ageing in the Age of Intelligent Technology: Intersection of demographic shifts towards older populations and the advancements in intelligent technologies.
  • Environmental Considerations: The impact of population density on resource depletion, pollution, and climate change initiatives.
  • Policy Responses and Solutions: Evaluation of current population policies and planning strategies in different countries; discussion of effective measures and innovative solutions.
  • Future Directions: Proposing a framework for global cooperation on demographic issues; the role of technology and innovation in managing population dynamics.

Submission Guidelines

We invite papers from both established scholars and early-career academics.

  • Proposal: Each proposal should include an abstract of your paper/presentation up to 500 words;
  • Information for event promotion: Please submit a short bio of the author(s)/presenter(s) up to 100 words and a recent photo of yourself;
  • Submission portal and deadline: Proposals and other information must be submitted to ias.programme@um.edu.mo by 25 July 2024. Full papers must be submitted by 1 October 2024.

Dates and Other Conference Arrangement

  • The 2-day conference will be held at the Library Auditorium of the University of Macau (E2, G012) with registration starting on 6 November and departure on 9 November;
  • Scholars not being able to attend in person can take part in the conference online via Zoom;
  • The conference will be conducted in Chinese or English and simultaneous interpretation will not be provided.

Contact information

Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our email ias.programme@um.edu.mo, we look forward to your reply and your participation at our conference.








  • 人口動態概覽:全球人口的增長與下降趨勢,辨識面臨人口過剩以及人口稀缺挑戰的重點地區;
  • 社會經濟影響:分析人口結構變化如何影響經濟增長、勞動力市場、醫療健康系統和城市規劃;
  • 性別與人口變遷:由於性別偏見導致的人口不平衡增長,以及如何應對相關問題;
  • 移民、人口增長和減少:探討國內和國際移民趨勢、成因和影響;
  • 智能時代的人口老齡化:人口向老齡化轉變與智能技術進步的交叉領域研究;
  • 環境因素考量:人口密集度對資源耗竭、污染和氣候變化倡議的影響;
  • 政策響應與解決方案:評估不同國家的現有人口政策和規劃策略,討論有效措施和創新解決方案;
  • 未來發展方向:提出全球合作應對人口問題的框架,探討技術和創新在管理人口動態中的作用。



  • 計劃書:每個計劃書應包括不超過500字的論文/演示要旨;
  • 活動所需資訊:請提供作者/演講人的扼要介紹(不超過100字)和近照;
  • 投稿方式和截止日期:計劃書和相關資訊須於2024725前提交至 ias.programme@um.edu.mo論文終稿須於2024101前提交。


  • 為期2天的會議計劃在澳門大學圖書館演講廳(E2, G012)舉行,報到時間為11月6日,閉會時間為11月9日
  • 無法實地參會的學者可通過Zoom在線參與會議;
  • 會議將以中文或英文進行,不提供同聲翻譯服務。

