Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College of University of Macau Visited Nanyang College of Xi’an Jiaotong University to Learn the Spirit of “West Migration”










Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College of University of Macau Visited Nanyang College of Xi’an Jiaotong University to Learn the Spirit of “West Migration”

From May 27 to 31, 2024, a delegation of 13 members from Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (referred to as “Pearl Jubilee College”) of University of Macau, led by College Associate Master Prof. Yi Jiang, embarked on a visit to Nanyang College of Xi’an Jiaotong University and participated in the “Exploring the Memories of a Millennium, Recalling the Years of West Migration” study camp. The students from the two colleges experienced the unique historical and cultural charm of Xi’an city and discussed the inspiration of the “West Migration Spirit” for young people. This was the first return visit after the Nanyang College visited the Pearl Jubilee College in March of this year.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Guo Xiaoping, the Director of the Nanyang College, gave a welcome speech, expressing the expectation for deeper exchange and cooperation between the two colleges. Associate Director, Ms. Gu Rong, introduced the history, organizational structure, college characteristics, and student activities of the Nanyang College. The students of the two colleges engaged in sharing and discussion on the development of the colleges. Afterwards, the two colleges exchanged souvenirs and took group photos.

The delegation of Pearl Jubilee College visited the campus of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Qian Xuesen Memorial Exhibition, West Migration Museum, and national key laboratories. Through visits and exchanges, the students of Pearl Jubilee College gained a deeper understanding of the life of Professor Qian Xuesen and his important contributions to the development of science and technology in our country, learning the “West Migration Spirit” of perseverance in adversity, patriotic dedication, and pioneering innovation.

During the camp, Pearl Jubilee College students visited Shaanxi History Museum, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Xi’an Ancient City Wall, Daming Palace Night Market, the Hui Street and other famous historical and cultural attractions in Xi’an, to understand the unique position of ancient Chang’an as an important city of the Silk Road in the history of Chinese civilization development. The delegation also visited the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and the Terracotta Warriors, experiencing the glory and prosperity of the Qin Dynasty, which enhanced their understanding and sense of belonging to the motherland.

At the sharing session of the closing ceremony, students expressed that this visit not only broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge of China’s long history and culture, but also experienced the unique charm of the ancient city of Xi’an. “Through on-site visits, the history we had previously read on paper came alive and presented itself vividly before our eyes, which was very impressive!” shared Tan Chen, a student from Pearl Jubilee College. And Hu Jiaizhi said, “At the West Migration Museum, I learned that the professors were willing to give up their superior living conditions and move their families to the northwest, developing the region with a sincere heart for the country and the people, which deeply moved me!”

The “Exploring the Memories of a Millennium, Recalling the Years of West Migration” study camp provided a great opportunity for the visiting students to explore the history and culture of Xi’an city, allowing everyone to experience the treasures of Chinese civilization, and deepen their knowledge of China’s long history. It also provided valuable learning and exchange opportunities for the students from two colleges, promoting mutual understanding and friendship, and laying a foundation for deeper exchange and cooperation between the two colleges in the future.