ICTO Seminar : “NVIDIA Summit” of AI for Efficient Research Completed Successfully
ICTO 研討會 : “NVIDIA峰會” 人工智能助力高效科研順利舉行並圓滿結束

Dear academic staff and students,
The ICTO Seminar : “NVIDIA Summit” of AI for Efficient Research 2024 was held on 14 June 2024, there were over 50 audiences from different faculties to attend the seminar.
During the seminar, NVIDIA gave a very comprehensive and valuable insights on the following aspects: AI trends, GROMACS containers, and the NVIDIA HPC SDK for efficiently doing research.
We hope to organize more related seminar in the future and thank you again for your participation and support.
Information and Communication Technology Office
資訊及通訊科技部於 2024年6月14日順利舉辦了“NVIDIA峰會” 人工智能助力高效科研,吸引超過 50 多位來自不同學院的教職員和學生參與。
在研討會期間,NVIDIA專家分享了有關AI趨勢、GROMACS容器以及NVIDIA HPC SDK的寶貴見解。