IOTSC TALK SERIES: From Wireless Research for IoT to Integrating Human, Generative AI and Communications Network for Superintelligent Systems

Dear Colleagues and Students,
The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City would like to invite you to join our IOTSC Talk Series on 01/07/2024 (Monday). We are pleased to invite Prof. Soung Chang Liew from Chinese University of Hong Kong as the speaker.

From Wireless Research for IoT to Integrating Human, Generative AI and Communications Network for Superintelligent Systems
Speaker: Prof. Soung Chang Liew
Date: 01/07/2024 (Monday)
Time: 15:00 – 16:00
Language: English
Venue: N21-5007 (Exhibition Hall)

In this talk, I will present my belief that academic wireless communications research can benefit greatly from an increased focus on the experimental work and prototyping. I will highlight how healthy synergistic and check-and-balance interactions between theoreticians and experimentalists can lead to more effective scientific pursuits. To illustrate this, I will present several works from my group that exemplify the iterative process of building experimental prototypes to inspire new theories and vice versa. These examples include a project to build an optical ether fabric to circumvent the bottleneck and enhance the coverage of optical wireless networks, and a project for vertical integration of wireless networks and robotic mobiles to improve end-to-end performance gain.

Speaker’s Bio:
Prof. Liew is Choh-Ming Li Professor at CUHK. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from MIT, where he conducted fundamental research on Fiber-Optic Communications Networks. Following that, he joined Bellcore in New Jersey, where he worked on Broadband Network Research. Since 1993, Prof. Liew has been a Professor in CUHK. Professor Liew is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, HKIE, and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences.

For enquiries: Tel: 8822 9159

Best Regards,
State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City