Stanley Ho East Asia College Students Participate in Service-Learning Programmes in Sichuan and Jiangxi









圖1:同學們走進汶川八一小學三個班級進行義教,使用生動有趣的教學方法教導有關「反校園霸凌」主題。圖中,同學們正在表演一個短劇。 Photo 1: Students conducted voluntary teaching on the theme of "anti-school bullying" respectively in three classes in Wenchuan Baiyi Primary School. In the photo, students are performing a short drama.

圖2:同學們分組探訪汶川偏遠村莊生活條件較差的老人和家庭。圖中,同學們正在和老村民聊天,了解他的近況。 Photo 2: Students visited elderly and families with poor living conditions in remote villages in Wenchuan. In the photo, the students are chatting with an old villager to learn about his recent situation.

圖3:師生一行人在汶川村落寄宿家庭住了三天,體驗了農村生活。圖中,同學們幫忙生火、炒菜,準備晚餐。 Photo 3: The Sichuan delegation stayed with host families in a village for three days to experience rural life. In the photo, the students are helping to light a firewood stove, stir-fry vegetables, and prepare dinner.

圖4:為提升山背小學學生對科學的興趣,修水團隊設計了多個遊戲和實驗。圖為小三及小四同學正在參與「神奇的小盒子」實驗,了解顔色與光的關係。 Photo 4: The Xiushui team designed a series of games and experiments to boost primary school students’ interest in science. The photo shows Primary 3 and Primary 4 students participating in the "Magic Little Box" experiment to learn about the relationship between color and light.

圖5:小息和午飯後的時間亦十分寶貴,圖為修水團隊在小休時,積極透過傾談和小遊戲,與山背小學學生交流。 Photo 5: The time after recess and lunch is equally valuable. The photo shows the Xiushui team actively communicating with primary school children through talks and games during the recess.

圖6:修水團隊探訪了何市敬老院。在一起午膳、表演和介紹澳門文化後,與長者們親切交談。 Photo 6: The Xiushui team visited a nursing home. They conversed cordially with the elders after having lunch together, performing and introducing Macau culture.


Stanley Ho East Asia College of the University of Macau have successfully completed two service-learning programmes respectively in Sichuan and Jiangxi during the summer of 2023/2024. The programmes have enriched strengthened students’ sense of responsibility and ability to contribute to the country and serve the society, as well as their understanding of the national development.

From 23rd May to 4th June, 2024, a team of 14 students, led by Associate Master Dr. Sancia Wan and Resident Fellow Ms. Elaine Chang, went to Wenchuan, Sichuan for volunteer services and cultural exchanges with the support of local government and non-governmental organisations. They conducted voluntary teaching at Bayi Primary School and Shuimo Middle School; visited elderly and children in remote villages; organised interest classes and large-scale activities for the elderly and children; lived and worked together with villagers; experienced farm work; shared views about village development after field study; visited Yingxiu Earthquake Site, and more. During the thirteen-day journey in Sichuan, students not only participated in community services, but also witnessed the successes accomplished by the nation’s poverty alleviation work.

Another programme responds to the Macao SAR government’s participation in the country’s rural revitalisation plan. Resident Fellow Dr. Saul Chan led 13 students to Xiushui, Jiangxi from 23rd to 30th May for voluntary teaching and patriotic education. They taught science, geography, life education, physical education and other subjects, as well as organised various out-of-classroom activities, at Shanbei Primary School in Shangfeng Town. The delegation also visited a nursing home to perform singing and introduce Macau culture to the elderly. In addition, they visited Qiushou Uprising Xiushui Memorial Hall, Shanbei Cultural Exhibition Hall, and Hometown of Huang Tingjian to enhance students’ understanding and feelings about the country.

Both delegations started preparation work as early as March. After more than two months’ preparation and practice, the students applied their knowledge and skills, while continued to polish the content of the activities during the process, striving to contribute to the Wenchuan and Xiushui communities to provide high-quality volunteer services.

SHEAC started its outbound service-learning programmes in 2013, and has continued for more than ten years. College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan has vigorously encouraged students to participate in service-learning. He hopes that, “through systematic planning and preparation, students can serve different community groups at the destination, uphold social and civic responsibilities, nurture leadership and teamwork skills, reflect on learning in real life situations, cultivate diverse values, and develop an optimistic and caring character.”