The new UM Lost and Found System has been launched!



澳大失物認領系統已進行全面升級,大家現時可透過網頁版<>或澳大手機應用程式「UM App」,隨時搜尋於校內遺失物品的資訊。

提提你,認領失物者必須帶備校園卡或個人身份證明文件於失物認領服務時間內(星期一至五 09:00-13:00,14:00-22:00)到E7保安中心辦理相關手續。



保安及設施服務處 謹啟

Dear Students and Colleagues,

The UM Lost and Found System has now been upgraded to a new version. You can search your lost item either through the website <> or mobile application <UM App>.

For reclaiming the lost item, kindly be reminded that the claimant should approach the Security Centre at E7 with UM Campus Card or Personal ID during the service hours of Lost and Found services (Mondays to Fridays 09:00-13:00, 14:00-22:00).

For any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 8822-4126 or approach the Security Centre for assistance. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Security and Facilities Services Section