[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (1): Minor problems that may be neglected when writing a resume
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (一):寫履歷時容易忽略的小問題

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 生涯發展中心
Our centre provides further study and career services under the Student Counselling Section, Student Affairs Office. Our objective is to enhance your employability and competitiveness and to increase your interest in and preparation for pursuing further study through a range of programmes, workshops and advising services.
We issue a bi-weekly Career Insider to provide advice and guidance on preparing for your career. We hope you will read it and find it useful in your career development.
Career Insider (1)
就業情報 (一)
Minor problems that may be neglected when writing a resume
It is common practice for students to start drafting or revising their resumes as they begin their job search. However, minor issues do occasionally arise with resumes. While these issues may not be significant in themselves, they can have a detrimental impact on the initial impression that an employer forms. We have compiled a list of these issues which you may wish to review to ascertain whether any of them also appear on your own resume.
- Using abbreviations that are unfamiliar to others. Many abbreviations (e.g. majors) are known only to your fellow students and teachers, and are very difficult for employers to understand;
- Inconsistent formatting. In many resumes, dates are not aligned, and cases are different. Take a closer look when you have finished your resume to avoid these mistakes;
- Too much irrelevant information. For example, some students listed qualifications that were not related to the position they were applying for;
- Incorrect tense in English. It would be best to use the past tense to describe the positions you have held before.
- 使用他人不熟悉的縮寫。許多縮寫(例如專業名稱)只有你的同學和老師知道所對應的全稱,但對僱主來說非常難明白;
- 文字的格式不統一。許多履歷中會出現日期沒對齊、大小寫格式不一致等。寫完履歷後仔細檢查以避免這些錯誤;
- 出現太多無關的資訊。例如有同學列出了與自己應徵的職位無關的考試資格證書;
- 英文的時態不正確。在敘述過去曾擔任的職務時應該用過去時態而不是現在時態。
Looking for job opportunities? You are invited to log on to the “UM Student Job Vacancy System “ (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/) to find the latest employment information, including full-time and part-time jobs. The system is updated irregularly, so you are encouraged to check for job vacancies from time to time. You can also subscribe to the system’s update notification.
正尋找工作機會?歡迎你登入「澳大學生職位空缺系統」 (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/),尋找最新的就業資訊,包括全職和兼職。系統會不定期更新,建議你不時登入系統查看最新職位空缺資料,你也可以訂閱系統的更新通知。