[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (3): Deep clean your resume
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (三):深度清理你的履歷

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents
學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Insider (3)
就業情報 (三)
Deep clean your resume
You get rid of unwanted items in your home; you might also treat yourself to a deep cleansing mask every week. Why not do the same with your resume as well?
- A resume is not the story of your life. There is no need to include everything you have done in the past. Remember, only relevant experience that demonstrates your skills for the position you are applying for should stay on your resume.
- Simple formatting is key. A well-organized resume is like a well-groomed person, you are more likely to interact with them; the same rule applies to your resume. Keep it simple but unique to stand out.
- Recruiters review tons of resumes every day and you need to make your accomplishments stand out with compelling language. Tell your unique story with strong action verbs and vocabulary.
Remember, grammar mistakes are like acne, if you don’t want acne on your face, why should these mistakes stay on your resume?
- 履歷不是你的人生傳記。不需要把你過去做過的所有事情都寫在履歷中。請謹記,你只需保留能證明你與申請職位技能相關的經歷。
- 精簡的格式很重要。一份條理清晰的履歷猶如一位衣冠楚楚的求職者,你會更願意與其交流。對你的履歷來說也是一樣,讓你的履歷保持簡潔而獨特,才能脫穎而出。
- 招聘人員每天都要審閱大量的履歷,你需要用引人注目的語言讓你的成就脫穎而出。用強而有力的動態動詞及詞彙來描述你獨特的經歷。
Looking for job opportunities? You are invited to log on to the “UM Student Job Vacancy System “ (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/) to find the latest employment information, including full-time and part-time jobs. The system is updated irregularly, so you are encouraged to check for job vacancies from time to time. You can also subscribe to the system’s update notification.
正尋找工作機會?歡迎你登入「澳大學生職位空缺系統」 (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/),尋找最新的就業資訊,包括全職和兼職。系統會不定期更新,建議你不時登入系統查看最新職位空缺資料,你也可以訂閱系統的更新通知。