[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (6): Making a positive first impression
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (六):留下良好的第一印象

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents
學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Insider (6)
就業情報 (六)
Making a positive first impression
It is important to remember that first impressions are crucial in the job application process. Therefore, it is essential to present the best possible version of yourself to potential employers.
- Be presentable. People’s first impression of you is formed before you say a word. Your clothing, grooming, and posture are all part of the first impression you make on others.
- Make eye contact, but don’t overdo it. Connections are made through eye contact, but too much eye contact can be seen as aggressive or make the other person uncomfortable.
- Smile and mean it. Don’t give a fake or forced smile, people can always tell if you mean it or not.
- Say the other person’s name. Saying people’s names shows that you are engaged and paying attention.
- Show you’re listening by making eye contact, smiling, or nodding to show you’re engaged, and responding to what the other person is saying, not your agenda.
- 注重自己的外表及行為。人們對你的第一印象在你開口說話前就己經形成。你的衣著打扮及行為舉止都是你給他人留下第一印象的一部分。
- 要有適量而不過分的眼神接觸。人與人之間的聯繫是透過眼神接觸建立的,但過多的眼神接觸會讓人覺得你具有攻擊性或讓人覺得不安。
- 發自內心的微笑。不要假笑或強迫自己笑,別人總能看出你是否真心微笑。
- 提及對方的名字。提及對方的名字表明你很投入並專注於對話中。
- 透過眼神接觸、微笑或點頭來表示你在聆聽對方的說話,對對方所說的話做出回應。
Looking for job opportunities? You are invited to log on to the “UM Student Job Vacancy System “ (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/) to find the latest employment information, including full-time and part-time jobs. The system is updated irregularly, so you are encouraged to check for job vacancies from time to time. You can also subscribe to the system’s update notification.
正尋找工作機會?歡迎你登入「澳大學生職位空缺系統」 (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/),尋找最新的就業資訊,包括全職和兼職。系統會不定期更新,建議你不時登入系統查看最新職位空缺資料,你也可以訂閱系統的更新通知。