FAH-CPC-IPOR: Portuguese Legal Translation: A Procedural Approach Intensive Course

FAH-CPC-IPOR: 葡萄牙語法律翻譯程序强化課程

日期 Date:  27/03-24/04/2023 (逢週一、週三及周五 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays)
時間 Time: 18:15-20:15
地點 Venue: 東方葡萄牙學會 Portuguese Institute of the Orient (IPOR)
內容 Content: 請瀏覽 Please visit:
語言 Language: 葡萄牙語
對象 Audience: 法律領域的譯者及口譯員或達B1/B2葡語級別對相關領域感興趣之人士 Translators and Interpreters dealing with legal Portuguese language or anyone with an interest in legal Portuguese language with a B1/B2 level of Portuguese as a Foreign Language.
查詢 Enquiry: 中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心 Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre
電話 Tel: 8822 4532
電郵 Email: bilingualcentre@um.edu.mo