MLC Discovers the Charm and Beauty of Chongqing and the Three Gorges of Changjiang River
馬萬祺羅柏心書院一行八人受到重慶大學港澳台辦公室和美視電影學院陳希副教授及其研究團隊的熱情接待,並一同走訪重慶和長江三峽。在開幕儀式上,重慶大學港澳台辦公室葉蕾副主任在致辭中代表重慶大學對三所港澳高校師生的到來表示熱烈歡迎,並介紹了重慶大學的辦學特色。MLC書院導師陳耀揚在代表澳門大學致辭中寄語同學主動參與傳統文化的傳承和創新,並祝願體驗營獲得圓滿成功。隨後,師生一同參加由重慶大學建築城規學院楊宇振教授主講的講座《在山水之間:歷史地圖中的近代重慶城變遷》,通過不同時期的地圖學習重慶的發展歷史。在重慶期間,師生一行參觀了當地著名文化歷史景點,包括抗戰勝利紀功碑暨人民解放紀念碑、貳廠創意園區,並與當地非遺傳承人親身交流,體驗傳統技藝如蜀綉、川劇、川江號子和金錢板的獨特魅力。師生一行亦考察了長江三峽一帶的人文生態,在豐都鬼城感受其奇特的風俗文化,在白帝城感受劉備托孤的悲壯和詩人李白的《早發白帝城》重回康莊的喜悅。在宜昌,師生們近距離觀看了著名的三峽大壩水利工程,一睹這項世界上最大的水利樞紐工程。在宜昌市的三峽大學,師生們聆聽了由三峽大學文學與傳媒學院王前程教授主講的《江山如此多嬌,引無數詩人競折腰 – 三峽文化一瞥見》,學習歷代詩人以長江三峽為題的詩辭作品。在體驗營的最後一天上,院生范雨熙擔任成果總結會的主持人,MLC院生亦通過短劇形式,以重慶的非遺項目為主題將成果報告和文藝表演二合為一,獲得全場熱烈的掌聲。
古麗華: 國家級非遺金錢版傳承人丁長福老師很可愛且友善。他不但教了我們怎麼敲打金錢板,還教我們怎樣跳舞。
施天益: 三峽大壩建成後,已經成功抵禦了2010年和2018年兩次長江特大洪水,長江中下遊在這兩次洪水中安然無恙!讓我深感中國勞動人民的智慧與爲自己的祖國感到驕傲。
李天寵: 在整個活動期間,我結識了來自五湖四海的小伙伴。比如香港中文大學和澳門理工大學的學長學姐們。我們互相交流、切磋,不僅拓展了視野,也增進了友誼。
范雨熙: 除了豐富的參觀活動,研習營期間我們還有機會與三所高校的師生進行深入交流。學長學姐們熱情好客,全程陪伴,不僅讓我們對當地文化有了更深入的了解,也架起了交流的橋梁,增進了彼此的了解和友誼。
To foster friendships among young people from Chongqing, Hong Kong, and Macau, promote the traditional culture of Sichuan opera and the customs of the Bayu region, and enhance the understanding of the development in western China and the Three Gorges area, on June 17th 2024, MLC Resident Fellow Dr. Stanley Chan led a delegation of seven students to Chongqing University (CQU) to participate in the 5th “Qu Feng Ya Yun” Traditional Culture Experience Camp (曲風雅韻文化體驗營). This event was sponsored by the Ministry of Education’s “Exchange Program for Teachers and Students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau” (Ten Thousand People’s Scheme), and co-organized by CQU, University of Macau (UM), Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Macau Polytechnic University. Through themed seminars, visits, experiential learning, report presentations, and cultural performances, the camp aimed to immerse Hong Kong and Macau youth in traditional culture, especially intangible cultural heritage, and explore the rich historical and cultural landscapes of the Three Gorges, integrating traditional culture into their lives. This event received strong support and guidance from UM’s Rector Prof. Song Yonghua, Vice Rector (Global Affairs) Prof. Rui Paulo de Silva Martins, and Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Mok Kai Meng, and was successfully held with the assistance of the Director of Global Affairs, Prof. Ruibing Wang.
The MLC delegation of eight people was warmly welcomed by CQU’s Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Affairs Office, along with Associate Professor Chen Xi and his research team from the CQU Meishi Film Academy. Together, they explored Chongqing and the Three Gorges. At the opening ceremony, Deputy Director Ye Lei of the CQU Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Affairs Office extended a warm welcome to the teachers and students from the three universities and introduced the educational characteristics of CQU. MLC’s Stanley Chan, speaking on behalf of the UM, encouraged students to actively participate in the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture and wished for the success of the experience camp. Following this, teachers and students attended a lecture by Prof. Yang Yuzhen from the CQU School of Architecture and Urban Planning, titled “Between Mountains and Rivers: The Evolution of Modern Chongqing City in Historical Maps,” exploring the development history of Chongqing through maps from different periods. During their time in Chongqing, the group visited notable cultural and historical sites such as the Monument to the People’s Heroes and the 2nd Factory Creative Park, and had face-to-face exchanges with representatives of intangible cultural heritage, experiencing traditional crafts such as Shu embroidery, Sichuan opera, Chuan Jiang Hao Zi, and Sichuan Clappers. They also explored the magnificent landscape of the Three Gorges area, experiencing the unique customs at Fengdu Ghost City, the poignant legacy of Liu Bei’s last wishes at White Emperor City, and the joy of the poet Li Bai’s “Setting off from the White Emperor City” at the prospect of a brighter future. In Yichang, they saw the world’s largest hydropower project, the Three Gorges Dam, up close. At Three Gorges University in Yichang, they attended a lecture by Prof. Wang Qiancheng from the College of Literature and Media on “The Splendor of the Yangtze River: A Glimpse into Three Gorges Culture,” which explored poetry and literature centered around the Three Gorges from various dynasties. On the final day of the experience camp, student Fan U Hei served as the host for the summary session, and MLC students combined their report and cultural performance into a short play themed around Chongqing’s intangible cultural heritage, receiving enthusiastic applause from the audience.
Through visits and a variety of enriching activities, students broadened their horizons, increased their knowledge, and deepened their understanding of the history and culture of Chongqing and the Three Gorges. Over eight days, the students built deep friendships with their peers from Chongqing and Hong Kong, gaining a better understanding of each other. After the event, CQU Associate Professor Chen Xi expressed he was deeply impressed by the enthusiasm and energy of the students from the UM, while MLC’s Stanley Chan highly praised the hospitality and sincerity of CQU. Both sides agreed that such activities promote cultural exchanges among youths from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau, and expressed their hope to strengthen future cooperation, enhancing the understanding of Chongqing among Hong Kong and Macau youth. This successful event has laid a solid foundation for future academic cooperation between the UM and CQU.
Participants’ Reflections:
Chan Ka Wai: I am especially grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Qu Feng Ya Yun Traditional Culture Experience Camp. The inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, the hard work of the people, and the stories of historical figures have all benefited me greatly.
Ku Lai Wa: Prof. Ding Changfu was very kind and friendly. He not only taught us how to play the Sichuan Clapper but also how to dance.
Leng Hou Meng: What impressed me the most was the tour of the Three Gorges in Wushan. The majestic mountains came into view, with the gorge’s grandeur, lush forests, and towering peaks being awe-inspiring.
Si Tin Iek: The Three Gorges Dam has successfully resisted major floods on the Yangtze River in 2010 and 2018, protecting the middle and lower reaches from these floods. It made me deeply appreciate the wisdom of the Chinese people and feel proud of my country.
Chan Sio Kuan: Overall, this event deepened my understanding and appreciation of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation. I not only experienced the charm of Chinese civilization first-hand but also felt deeply connected as part of this great country.
Lei Tin Chong: During the entire event, I made friends from all over the world, including seniors from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Macau Polytechnic University. We exchanged ideas and learned from each other, broadening our horizons and deepening our friendships.
Fan U Hei: Besides the rich visiting activities, during the camp, we had the opportunity to have in-depth exchanges with teachers and students from three universities. The seniors were warm and hospitable, accompanying us throughout, which not only gave us a deeper understanding of the local culture but also built bridges for communication, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.


MLC師生參加巴渝歷史文化講座(左) 及訪問重慶市曲藝團藝術培訓中心 (右)

MLC師生體驗川劇臉譜製作(左) 及與蜀綉傳承人康寧師傅交流 (右) 合影

MLC師生於白帝城外(左) 及與香港中文大學及澳門理工大學學生在瞿塘峽觀景台(右) 合影

MLC院生范雨熙於體驗營成果總結會上擔任主持 (左) 及與院生李天寵和凌浩銘以短劇形式 (右) 報告研習成果