【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】Further Study Insider (2): Building a Strong Portfolio for Top Postgraduate Programmes

【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(二):為申請頂尖研究生課程準備一套富有競爭力的申請材料

Building a strong portfolio is crucial for undergraduates seeking admission to top postgraduate programmes. It should effectively showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements, and reflect your readiness for advanced study. Starting early and developing your portfolio consistently throughout your academic study is key to impressing prestigious universities.

First Year

  • Get involved in different aspects of your field by joining relevant student organisations, attending seminars, and participating in workshops to identify your interests.

  • Participate in group projects, seek out volunteer opportunities or internships, and document all experiences, growth and insights for the field of study.

  • Develop relationships with professors and peers for academic guidance and collaboration.

Second Year

  • Take on leadership roles in student organisations or project teams to gain deeper knowledge and experience in your chosen fields.

  • Talk to professors to explore research opportunities in their projects.

  • Keep careful records of all projects, highlighting your role, the skills you used, and the outcomes.

Third Year

  • Aim to publish or present your research work at academic conferences or in student journals.

  • Seek internships in your chosen field to gain practical experience and industry exposure, and network with professionals to gain insight and feedback into the field.

  • Keep your portfolio updated with recent achievements and progress.

Final Year

  • Refine your portfolio for postgraduate applications by selecting and highlighting key projects that demonstrate your expertise and readiness for postgraduate study.

  • Seek feedback from mentors, professors, and industry professionals in your chosen field.

  • Tailor your portfolio to align with specific programme requirements, ensuring that each piece tells a coherent story about your skills and academic journey.



  • 積極參與專業相關的活動,如學生社團、學術研討會及工作坊,以明確個人興趣方向。

  • 加入小組項目,尋找志願服務或實習機會,記錄下所有經歷中的成長點及對你專業領域的見解。

  • 建立良好的師生、同學關係,為未來的學術指導與合作打下基礎。


  • 在學生組織或項目團隊中擔當領導角色,深化專業知識與實戰經驗。

  • 與教授保持溝通交流,尋求參與其研究項目的機會

  • 細心整理項目經歷,突出你在團隊中的角色、使用的技能及取得的成果。


  • 爭取在學術研討會或學生期刊上發表或展示你的研究成果

  • 尋找專業對口的實習,通過實戰獲取行業經驗,並與業界專家建立聯繫,獲取寶貴建議。

  • 定期更新申請資料,確保它始終反映你最新的成就與進展。


  • 為研究生申請完善你的申請材料,精心挑選並強調那些最能體現你專業知識與準備的項目與經歷。

  • 向導師、教授及行業專家廣泛徵求意見,不斷完善申請資料。

  • 根據具體院校的申請要求,個性化定制申請材料,確保每份資料都能清晰、連貫地講述你的技能和學術歷程。