【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】Further Study Insider (3): Writing a Compelling Introduction to Your Personal Statement

【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(三):打造吸引人眼球的個人陳述引言

Your introduction sets the tone for your entire personal statement. It is important to capture the reader’s interest from the start. Here are some strategies for creating a compelling introduction:

# Personal Anecdote

Share a short, relevant story from your life that sparked your interest in the field. For example, describe a moment during an internship when you realised your passion for research. This approach humanises your essay and provides a memorable hook that sets you apart from other candidates.

# Thought-Provoking Question

Ask a question that challenges conventional thinking in your field. For example, you could start with, “What if we could revolutionise urban planning to significantly reduce environmental impact?” This technique intrigues the reader and demonstrates your critical thinking skills, inviting them to engage with your narrative on a deeper level.

# Unique Insight

Begin with a striking observation or fact related to your field of study. For example, “Despite advances in technology, why do we still face significant barriers to equitable access to healthcare?” This demonstrates your knowledge and curiosity about the field and highlights an area you are passionate about exploring further.

# Avoid Generic Statements

Stay away from cliches like “I have always been interested in X” or ” I have dreamed of studying Y since I was a child”. Be specific and personal to stand out. Instead of saying, “I have always been fascinated by biology”, say, “My fascination with biology began in high school when I conducted an independent study on the effects of pollution on local ecosystems”.


# 融入個人經歷


# 提出引人深思的提問


# 展現獨特見解


# 避免空洞無物的表述

切記不要使用諸如"我一直對 X 很感興趣"或者 "我從小就夢想學習 Y"這樣的泛泛之詞。應當使用具體、個性化的表述,方能讓你的申請脫穎而出。例如將"我一直對生物學著迷"轉化為"我對生物學的熱愛始於高中時期,當時我獨立開展了一項關於污染對當地生態系統影響的研究"