CIE Organized Entrepreneurial Tour to Wuxi
由錫山區委人才辦、錫山區科技局、錫東新城商務區管委會主辦,立方匯無錫海創中心承辦,澳門大學創新創業中心組織名為「敢夢敢創」的青年創業考察團 於7月29日出發前往無錫錫山,展開為期4天的江蘇無錫創業交流之旅。此次考察活動由中心主任梁麗嫻教授領隊,攜同有意創業之澳大教職工、學生及校友共計20人,到訪當地多家優秀的企業、創業孵化中心以及高校交流學習。
7月30日下午,中心與無錫攜手在長三角(無錫)國際人才港成功舉辦「無錫-澳門大學創新創業人才交流會」。活動圍繞著「錫澳融合·共創發展」主題,邀請兩地領導、專家及青年才俊共襄盛舉、雙方展示了各自的創新創業環境與優勢資源,共謀發展藍圖。會上亦進行了「大學生創新創業(無錫)實踐基地」的揭牌儀式。繼今年4月,無錫山區委常委、組織部部長張琳率團來訪澳大創新創業中心,與梁麗嫻主任共同為「遇見·錫山」青年人才體驗計畫合作單位揭牌後,澳大師生回訪人才港,雙方藉此良機進一步促進錫山區與大學的交流與合作, 為推動兩地經濟社會發展注入新的活力。在此次活動中,澳門大學也展示了10個來自其創新創業中心的傑出項目,這些項目涵蓋了新能源、大數據、生物科技等多個前沿領域。計畫代表們的精彩分享,不僅彰顯了澳門大學在科技創新領域的卓越成就,也為長三角(無錫)國際人才港帶來了新的靈感與合作機遇。
Organized by the Talent Office of Xishan District, the Science and Technology Bureau of Xishan District, and the Wuxi Xidong New Town Business District Management Committee, and undertaken by the Hex Cubes at Wuxi , a youth entrepreneurship study tour named “Dare to Dream” for 4-day in Jiangsu, Wuxi on July 29. Led by Prof. Elaine Leong, the head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (CIE) of the University of Macau (UM). The group with a total of 20 participants, including staff, students, and alumni interested in entrepreneurship, visited top local firms, incubators, and universities for exchange and learning.
On the first day, the group toured the Xidong New City exhibition hall for insights into its history and core industries, followed by visits to tech hubs like the Nanshan Vehicle Internet Town and the Precision Medical Industry Park. In the afternoon, the “Wuxi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Exchange Meeting” was held at the Yangtze River Delta International Talent Port, focusing on integration and development. The event included the unveiling of the “Wuxi Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice Base” and showcased CIE’s innovative projects in fields like new energy and biotech, fostering collaboration and economic vitality.
On July 31st, the group visited Wuxi College and its Sensing Network National University Science and Technology Park for in-depth industry discussions, followed by a session at Jiangnan University with academic and industry representatives. The visit highlighted the universities’ role in nurturing talent and industry-academia collaboration, supported by government endorsement.
On the last day, the team visited companies like Fanruan, SVOLT Energy , and Sinomune Pharmaceutical, aligning with their fields of expertise, to foster collaboration. Discussions on innovation, management, and marketing led to shared insights and potential partnerships.The tour also included cultural spots in Wuxi, offering a taste of local cuisine and the city’s rich history and charm, reflecting Xishan’s blend of tradition and innovation.
The successful unveiling Event have laid a solid foundation for jointly cultivating outstanding talents with an international vision and innovative spirit. Moving forward, both parties intend to maintain a close collaboration to further promote in-depth exchanges between Wuxi and Macau in the fields of education, culture, and science and technology innovation.
Wang Ziming, a PhD student and an entrepreneur from the Macau Hap on Aromatherapy Application Research Institute Co. Ltd., a project incubated by CIE, expressed:Through this entrepreneurial tour, I not only broadened my horizons but also gained a deeper understanding of the development history and potential of entrepreneurial projects in the Wuxi, which has given me a clearer direction for my future entrepreneurial planning.
A practice base for innovation and entrepreneurship in Wuxi
The group visited the Yangtze River Delta (Wuxi) Electric Vehicle Cross-Border E-commerce Industrial Park
The group visited the Wuxi Synthetic Biology Future Science Center
Researcher from University of Jiangnan introduced their research achievements
Staff and students visit and exchange ideas with well-known enterprises
The group toured famous scenic spots in Wuxi