FSS-DECO Seminar: “Cap and (Frictional) Trade vs. Carbon Tax ” by Prof. Kuk Mo JUNG, 21/08/2024, 14:00 @E21B-G002

社會科學學院經濟學系講座:鄭國模教授,21/08/2024,14:00 @E21B-G002

Seminar on Economics


Cap and (Frictional) Trade vs. Carbon Tax 


Speaker: Prof. Kuk Mo JUNG

Associate Professor

School of Economics

Sogang University



We develop an equilibrium model of an over-the-counter emissions trading scheme, characterized by intermediation, search and bargaining frictions, and firm-specific abatement cost shocks. The interdealer permit price, intermediation fees, bid-ask spreads, and the distribution of permit holdings are all endogenously determined in the model. We analyze how these equilibrium prices and quantities respond to changes in the microstructure of the emissions trading scheme, the distribution of firm-specific abatement cost shocks, and the elasticity of the damage function with respect to carbon stocks. Through this analysis, we also shed new light on the ongoing debate about the ranking of carbon tax versus cap-and-trade for climate policy. Unlike Weitzman (1974) in which carbon taxes dominate the cap-and-trade system in the case of stock pollutants, our model predicts that the opposite can be true because trading frictions in the cap-and-trade system can lessen the negative externalities caused by abatement cost uncertainty. Calibrating our model parameters to transaction data from the EU ETS, we find evidence supporting our prediction.


Date: 21 August 2024 (Wednesday)

Time : 14:00-15:15

Language: English

Venue: E21B-G002


All are welcome!

Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Macau