FSS welcomes over 1,000 new students


澳大社會科學學院 (FSS) 成功舉辦2024/2025學年本科生及研究生迎新會。本年度一共超過1,000名新生入讀本學院所提供的5個本科課程、9個碩士課程及7個博士課程。


同時,FSS四位新生亦分享了他們對大學新生活的期待和展望。來自經濟學系的大一新生王樂兒希望能鍛鍊自己的英文能力,掌握更多的專業知識,也期待在課餘時間參加社團,她希望日後能夠有機會繼續深造政府與行政學系大一新生小C表達了對大學新生活的期待,希望能夠多參加活動,提升自我的技能,期待日後能繼續升學;交換生小池十分期待能在澳大獲得與其他學校不同的愉快體驗;交換生Paul (化名) 分享了他對澳大的初印象:”Everyone here respects one another. And it’s a very uprising culture in Macau.”

出席迎新的還包括:副院長蔡天驥教授、副院長Richard Fitzgerald教授、助理院長文博教授、傳播系系主任李天宗教授、社會學系系主任徐峻教授、學士學位課程統籌人(傳播學)Todd Sandel教授、學士學位課程統籌人(經濟學)何偉雄教授、碩士學位課程統籌人(經濟學)祖楊教授、學士學位課程統籌人(政府與公共行政)吳湘寧教授、碩士學位課程統籌人(公共行政)陳建新教授、碩士學位課程統籌人(國際關係及公共政策)千葉大奈教授、學士學位課程統籌人(心理學)郭鐵元教授、學士學位課程統籌人(社會學)李毅教授、以及碩士學位課程統籌人(澳門研究)林玉鳳教授。



The Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) of the University of Macau (UM) successfully organized the student orientation for undergraduate and postgraduate students for the 2024/2025. This year, more than 1,000 new students have enrolled / will enroll in the five undergraduate programmes, nine master’s programmes and seven doctoral programmes offered by FSS.

Prof. Richard Weixing Hu, Dean of FSS, encouraged the new students with the following: firstly, to cherish the opportunity of joining UM and to find their own goals and directions in life; secondly, to integrate the development of technology such as Artificial Intelligence to do well in academic research; and thirdly, to keep innovating and exploring, and to participate more in the community so as to integrate their own goals in life with the direction of the development of the country and the society.

Meanwhile, the four new students of FSS also shared their expectations on their new life at UM. Leer Wang, a freshman from the Department of Economics, hoped to practice her English and acquire more professional knowledge at FSS. She looked forward to participating in social clubs and will plan to pursue further study in the future; Xiao C, a freshman from the Department of Government and Public Administration, hoped to take part in more activities and improve her professional skills; and Xiao Chi, an exchange student from China, was very much looking forward to gaining a different school experience at UM; Another exchange student Paul shared his first impression of UM: ”Everyone here respects one another. And it’s a very uprising culture in Macau.”

Other faculty members also attended the orientation, they are: Prof. Tianji Cai, Associate Dean; Prof. Richard Fitzgerald, Associate Dean; Prof. Bo Wen, Assistant Dean; Prof. Tien Tsung Lee, Head of Department of Communication; Prof. Jun Xu, Head of the Department of Sociology; Prof. Todd Sandel, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Communication; Prof. Hong Wai Ho, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics; Prof. Yang Zu, Programme Coordinator of Master of Social Sciences in Economics; Prof. Xiangning Wu, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Government and Public Administration, Prof. Kin Sun Chan, Programme Coordinator of Master of Social Sciences in Public Administration; Prof. Daina Chiba, Programme Coordinator of Master of Social Sciences in International Relations & Public Policy; Prof. Tieyuan Guo, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology; Prof. Yi Li, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology, and Prof. Agnes LAM, Programme Coordinator of Master of Philosophy in Macao Studies.

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