Sports POLO shirt is now open for pre-orders (deadline: 28 Aug)

運動POLO衫現正接受預訂 (28/8 截止)

本通告由 澳門大學學生會體育聯會 提供,體育事務部 代傳。
This bulletin information is provided by UMSU Sports Association and posted by Office of Sports Affairs (OSA).


澳門大學學生會體育聯會 (體聯) 現提供以下的運動 POLO 衫給澳大人訂購 (MOP100/件),預訂截止日期為8月28日。

Sports POLO shirt is now available for pre-order (MOP100/piece) by UMSU Sports Association (SPA), pre-order deadline is 28 Aug.


*請小心填寫預購表單,一經提交,即代表確認訂購意慾及數量。認購人須自行於9月2日開始,到體聯辦公室 (N8 地面層 G010室) 交款 (只接受現金) 並取貨。貨品不設退換,敬請自備零錢,不設找贖。

* Please fill in the pre-order form carefully. Once the form is being submitted, the order is confirmed. You have to pay in cash and get your shirt(s) at the office of SPA (N8, G/F, room G010) starting from 2 Sep, no refund/returns will be allowed. Please prepare exact payment, no changes will be provided.


預購表單 (28/8截止) Pre-Order Form (deadline: 28 Aug)

查詢 Enquiry:Ms. Ivy Lio (8822 4057 /

澳門大學學生會體育聯會UMSU Sports Association
電話 Tel:8822 4423
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