T&L Blog: Recap: Online Faculty Conversation on Leveraging AI for Teaching and Learning Activities

教與學優化中心辦線上會談 討論善用AI促進教與學

On 15 August 2024, the University of Macau’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (CTLE) hosted an Online Faculty Conversation on Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching and Learning Activities. Led by Prof. Katrine Wong and Dr. Chris Fulton, the informal conversation involving over 140 participants provided a virtual space for colleagues to explore ways to incorporate AI tools into their teaching practices. 

The 75-minute session covered several key areas, including current AI usage among faculty, UM guidelines on generative AI tools, practical applications for student activities, and assessment considerations. Participants engaged in polls, presentations, breakout room discussions, and a Q&A session, initiating conversations on the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI into teaching activities. 

Key takeaways: 

  • Common positive aspects of AI use include helpfulness in generating innovative teaching ideas, preparing teaching materials, and providing quick student feedback.
  • Main concerns include academic integrity, over-reliance by students potentially hindering critical thinking, and accuracy of AI-generated information. 

A quick poll indicated that almost 70% of respondents use AI tools for teaching-related tasks occasionally, with many using AI tools once a week or more. For in-class or homework activities, the majority of respondents plan on using AI tools. Faculty members expressed interest in using AI for various tasks, including creating quizzes, generating lesson plans, giving feedback, and exploring new teaching techniques. 

While colleagues mentioned positive aspects such as usefulness in generating ideas and preparing materials, concerns were raised about academic integrity, potential over-reliance by students and accuracy of AI-generated information.  

Blog posts on topics related to teaching and learning practices with AI can be found on CTLE’s website at ctle.um.edu.mo/portfolio_category/generative-ai