【Advising Service of Career Development Centre】Connect with alumni for career and further study advice through “Alumni Online” !

【生涯發展中心諮詢服務】透過 "校友在線" 向校友們徵詢就業及升學建議!

Through “Alumni Online”, you can connect with our alumni and learn from their further study and work experience, and get first-hand information about further study and job markets in other regions. These enthusiastic alumni, who have joined as online advisors, will answer your questions about further study and employment in other regions via email, such as:


Further Study 升學
  • Selection of postgraduate programme
  • Preparation for further study
  • Financing further study
  • Campus life and support services for international students
  • 研究生課程的選擇
  • 入學申請準備
  • 支付學費
  • 校園生活及國際生支援服務


Career 就業
  • Possible employment direction after graduation
  • Work environment and market trend
  • Advice on career planning and development
  • Points to note about working in other regions
  • 畢業後的就業路向
  • 職場環境和市場動態
  • 生涯規劃和事業發展的建議
  • 在外地工作的注意事項
Follow the steps below to contact alumni / 若想與校友聯繫,請按照以下步驟申請
Ms. Rita Kuan of the Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 生涯發展中心 關小姐
8822 4916


We would like to say thank you to those alumni who are willing to be voluntary online advisors!