Call for participation: 2024 Full Love Macao Short Video Contest

誠邀參與: 2024「十分澳門」短視頻創作大賽


With the theme of “Full Love Macao”, the Full Love Macao Short Video Contest, a highlighted activity of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of UM, aims to promote and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It highlights the uniqueness of Macao with Chinese culture as the mainstream and multi-cultural coexistence, and enhances Macao students’ understanding and recognition of the wood and soil culture. Participants can choose the deep-seated and local cultural and local cultural events or things in Macao to shoot, and introduce their historical connotations.

Organizer: The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University of Macau

※ 參賽資格及要求 Eligibility and Requirement:
● 澳門大學學生及澳門大學中國文化推廣大使
students of UM Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador of UM.
● 參賽者須以個人或不超過五人的隊伍形式組成參賽單位,每一參賽單位只可遞交一份作品,參賽者不可重複組隊
Participants must form participating units in the form of individuals or teams of no more than five people. Each participating unit can only submit one piece of work. Participants cannot form multiple teams.

※ 報名方式 Registration Method:
● 網上填寫及提交Google Form或親臨澳門大學中國歷史文化中心(E34-G001/G026)提交報名表(附件一及附件二)
Fill in and submit the google form or submit the application form (attachment 1 & 2) to the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (E34-G001/G026).
● 附視頻作品簡介(約150字),語言為中文
A brief introduction in Chinese to the video (about 150 words).
● 按報名表格填妥相關報名信息
Fill in the relevant information according to the registration form

※報名日期 Application Period:

● 報名日期:202499()926()
– 於指定時段期間在網上填寫及提交Google Form或親臨澳門大學中國歷史文化中心(E34-G001/G026)提交報名表(附件一及附件二)

● Application Period: 9-26 September 2024
– Please submit the application form online (fill in and submit the Google Form including the attachment two of declaration) or visit the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of UM (E34-G001/G026) to submit the form (including attachment 1 and 2) .
– After successful registration, a serial number will be issued.

●作品提交日期: 2024103()1022()

  • 提交作品資料表格(附件三)
    附件三及作品檔案或作品的鏈接以電郵方式提交至中國歷史文化中心 (,並確保作品視頻鏈接有效;
  • 中心審核及作相關通知
    – 經中心審核及作相關的通知後,作品方能上載至Bilibili;
  • 參賽者上載作品至Bilibili
    – 參加視頻需命名爲【“十分澳門”+參加隊伍序號 + 參加隊伍名稱 + 作品名稱】
    – 參賽者需填寫及提交Bilibili上載作品連結表格(附件四)至中國歷史文化中心(;

● Submission date: 3-22 October 2024

  • Submit the attachment 3 of the application form
    Please submit the attachment 3 and the video/link of the video via email ( Please confirm if the video link is valid; 
  • The Centre will review and make relevant notification
    –  Only after the Centre reviewed and made relevant notifications, can the works be uploaded to Bilibili
  • Upload of the video to Bilibili
    –  the participating video should be named [“Full Love Macao” + participating team number + participating team name + Title】
    – Participants need to fill in and submit the form of attachment 4 to the Centre (

※獎項 Prizes:
● 一等獎二名(組),獎金為澳門元2,500
Two prizes for 1st Prize (group), with cash award amounted to MOP2,500
● 二等獎二名(組) ,獎金為澳門元2,000
Two prizes for 2nd Prize (group), with cash award amounted to MOP2,000
● 三等獎四名(組) ,獎金為澳門元1,500
Four prizes for 3rd Prize (group), with cash award amounted to MOP1,500
● 優異獎六名(組),獎金為澳門元500
Six prizes for Merit Prize (group), with cash award amounted to MOP500
The winning videos will be broadcast on the Bilibili platform to promote the mixed culture in Macao

※查詢 Enquiries:
中國歷史文化中心唐小姐或何小姐 Ms. Stephenie Tong or Ms. Fong Ho of CCHC
電話Tel: 8822 4028 /8822 9956 ; 電郵Email:

*The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau has the right to interpret and modify the event

Contest Regulation and Application Form
Application link
QR Code