PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Arts and Humanities, by Ms. Kong Xinyu on 12 September 2024 (Thursday)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

We are pleased to announce that, Ms. Kong Xinyu, a PhD candidate in Faculty of Arts and Humanities is going to have her oral defence on Thursday,  12 September 2024. You are welcome to attend the oral defence.

Date: Thursday,  12 September 2024
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue:  E21A-3118
Thesis Title:  An Investigation on Multiple Approaches of the Present of Li Zhunao Theory in Jingju Adaptations of Shakespearean Plays: Analysis of Jingju Othello, Jingju The Tempest and Jingju The Merry Wives of Windsor

 Examination Committee

Chair: Prof. Nick GROOM, Professor, FAH, UM
Supervisor:  Prof. Katrine WONG, Associate Professor, FAH, UM
Members:  Prof. Jeremy DE CHVAEZ, Associate Professor, FAH, UM
  Prof. Glenn TIMMERMANS, Associate Professor, FAH, UM
  Dr. Julian LAMB, Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong

Kindly note that video and/or audio recording is PROHIBITED while the oral defence is in progress. All participants should strictly follow all policies, guidelines and requirements of Macao SAR Government and the University.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities