[Mental Health Tips] Self-Compassion, starting from today

[心理健康小貼士] 自我關懷,從今天開始







– 你每天至少有 7-8 小時的睡眠嗎?
– 你有時間做自己喜歡的事情,比如看劇、聽音樂或運動嗎?
– 你最近有和朋友出去放鬆一下嗎?
– 你有時候會覺得學業壓力大到無法應付嗎?





 5 個簡單步驟,讓自我關愛成為你生活的一部分

  1.  每天小小的休息,讓大腦重啟
    每學習 1 小時,就給自己 10 分鐘的休息,站起來活動一下,聽聽音樂或者看看窗外。這樣做不僅讓你感覺更放鬆,還能提高學習效率。別忘了,身體和大腦都需要喘口氣!
  2.  設定睡眠時間,告別熬夜
  3. 和朋友聊聊天,放鬆一下
  4. 嘗試學點新東西,激發熱情
  5. 別忘了每天鼓勵自己







Have you been taking good care of yourself? Is college life so busy that you can hardly breathe? With academics, social life, and part-time jobs all piling up, does life feel like an endless assignment? Have you ever stopped to think:

Am I taking good care of myself?

Most college students don’t prioritise “self-care,” often seeing it as a “luxury” to be considered later. But in reality, neglecting self-care only plunges you into a deeper stress vortex. Don’t worry, let’s explore how to find your balance in a busy life.

Have you been caring for yourself lately?

Take a simple quiz to see if you’ve been taking good care of yourself recently:

  • Do you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day?
  • Do you have time to do things you enjoy, like watching shows, listening to music, or exercising?
  • Have you gone out with friends to relax recently?
  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by academic pressure?

If you answered “no” to more than half of these questions, it might be time to take better care of yourself. Don’t worry, the following simple steps can help you regain balance in life.

Stella’s Story: Growth and Awakening Amidst Stress

Stella is a sophomore whose academic pressure is overwhelming. To meet her family’s expectations, she devotes almost all her time to studies and part-time jobs, gradually losing the joy of life. Worse, she realises she doesn’t even like her current major but is afraid to stop.

As Stella’s physical and mental health deteriorates, she gradually realises she needs to adjust her life rhythm and learn to care for herself. She sets a regular schedule, allocates leisure time for herself, and rediscovers her passion for life. In the end, she not only learns to manage stress but also begins to think about her interests and future development.

5 Simple Steps to Make Self-Care a Part of Your Life

  1. Take small breaks every day to reboot your brain. For every hour of study, give yourself a 10-minute break to move around, listen to music, or look out the window. This not only makes you feel more relaxed but also improves learning efficiency. Don’t forget, both your body and brain need a breather!
  2. Set a sleep schedule and say goodbye to staying up late Do you often stay up late writing reports or binge-watching shows? Try setting a fixed bedtime to help your body adjust. Adequate sleep will make you feel more energetic during the day, no longer drowsy.
  3. Chat with friends and relax When you feel overwhelmed, don’t bear it alone. Invite friends to chat or go for a walk. Social support is the best stress reliever, and chatting over a cup of milk tea can greatly improve your mood.
  4. Try learning something new to spark passion. Whether it’s learning to cook a simple dish or acquiring a new skill, set a small goal for yourself. This not only gives you a sense of achievement but also makes life more interesting.
  5. Don’t forget to encourage yourself every day. Spend a few minutes before bed reviewing today’s achievements, no matter how big or small. Write down something that made you proud, like completing an assignment on time or sticking to exercise. This will make you feel like you’re progressing every day.

Daily Self-Care Practice

Self-care is not just an abstract concept; it can be practice through small daily actions. To help you practice self-care every day, you can refer to this small calendar and follow the daily guidance for a little self-care exercise. These simple exercises are practical and easy to implement, helping you regain inner balance in a busy life. Small daily actions will bring long-term positive changes.

Conclusion: Self-Care Starts Today

You deserve to be cared for, and most importantly, this care should start with yourself. College life is undoubtedly busy, but you can make yourself happier and more motivated through these simple steps. Starting today, try caring for yourself a little each day, and you’ll find that life can be more interesting and fulfilling than you imagined.

Self Care

Quote from : https://actionforhappiness.org/


週一至週四: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
週五: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

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電話:8822 9000
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Opening Hours 
Monday to Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:45p.m. 
Friday: 9:00am – 1:00p.m.; 2:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.

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Tel. 8822 9000
Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

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