Employment Opportunity: Recruitment Fair for Companies in Guangzhou (24 Sep; 13:00; E31-1001)- [1 Smart Point, 15 CS]

就業機會:“羊城邀約”澳門大學專場招聘活動(9月24日; 13:00; E31-1001)-[1粒至叻星、15個CS]


 Recruitment Fair for Companies in Guangzhou




對象: 所有澳門高校的在讀學生



地點: E31-1001



查詢:請聯絡學生事務部王先生, 電話: 8822 4918;電子郵件:sao.career@um.edu.mo 





生涯發展中心 謹啓

1. 若出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得1粒至叻星、15個 “CS-全球競爭力” 分數。
2. 若遲到或早退少於10分鐘將獲得半粒至叻星。
3. 若遲到或早退超過10分鐘將不能獲得至叻星。
4. 於活動期間離場超過15分鐘將不能獲得至叻星。
5. 請進場及/或離場時出示學生證登記。
6. 若不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消獲取至叻星的資格,並保留至叻星計劃的解釋權及決定權。

Dear Students,

Please note that Guangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will hold a Recruitment Fair for Companies in Guangzhou at UM. A total of 14 Mainland companies will participate in the activity, offering more than 900 job vacancies. You are welcome to join.


Recruitment Target: All students of higher education institutions in Macau

Date: 24 Sep, 2024

Time: 13:00-17:00

Location: E31-1001

Registration: https://go.um.edu.mo/5kczzz2z

Some of the Participating Companies and Offered Positions:

Inquiry: Please contact Mr Wong from the Student Affairs Office at Tel: 8822 4918 or Email: sao.career@um.edu.mo

Don’t miss the chance. We wish you all the success in your job hunting!

Best Regards,

Career Development Centre

Student Counselling Section

Student Affairs Office


Important notice:
For participants who have registered and attended the lectureSmart Point / CS will be given
Please observe the following guidelines of Smart Point scheme:

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point, 15 “Global competitiveness” (CS).
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point.
  3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point.
  4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point.
  5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with their valid Student ID Card.
  6. For those who do not respect the activity or ignore the staff’s guidance, Student Affairs Office (SAO) reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point. SAO also reserves the right to interpret and process the Smart Point scheme.