PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Education, by Ms. Jiaqi ZHENG on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

We are pleased to announce that, Ms. Jiaqi ZHENG, a PhD candidate in Faculty of Education, is going to have her oral defence on 19 September 2024  (Thursday). You are welcome to attend the oral defence.


19 September 2024 (Thursday)




Faculty of Education (E33-1002)

Thesis Title:

Overcoming Adversity: Unfolding Key Factors of Academic Resilience from a Cross-cultural Perspective


Examination Committee


Prof. Bing WEI, Professor, FED, UM


Prof. Kwok Cheung CHEUNG, Professor, FED, UM


Prof. Pou Seong SIT, Associate Professor, FED, UM


Prof. Xiufeng LIU, Chair Professor, FED, UM

Prof. Fu CHEN, Assistant Professor, FED, UM

Prof. Kit-Tai HAU, Research Professor / Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Kindly note that video and/or audio recording is PROHIBITED while the oral defence is in progress.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education