【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture Series – Prof. John Braithwaite “New and Old Macrocriminologies” (20 September 2024; 10:30-12:30 PM)
【高研院】特邀嘉賓講座:John Braithwaite教授 - "新舊宏觀犯罪學" (2024年9月20日;上午10:30-12:30)

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the Distinguished Guest Lecture Series scheduled on 20 September 2024 (Fri). We are honored to have Professor John Braithwaite from the Australian National University, explore the topic of “New and Old Macrocriminologies”. We are also delighted to have Professor Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of Faculty of Law, University of Macau, as moderator and discussant, Please find the details below:
- Title: New and Old Macrocriminologies
- Date: 20 September 2024 (Fri)
- Time: 10:30-12:30 AM
- Language: English
- Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)
- Registration: Click here
Much can be recovered for a social structural criminology that is better balanced between macro and individualist criminology. Early Marxist criminologists, Durkheim, Robert K Merton, can still be drawn upon. Institutional anomie theory and the theory of collective efficacy in the 1990s laid important new foundations for a macrocriminology that can imagine a society that simultaneously enjoys more freedom and less crime. Sun Yat Sen’s Chinese republicanism is helpful to that ambition. John Braithwaite attempts to take a new step toward a society with less crime and more freedom in his 2022 open access book, Macrocriminology and Freedom.
Tea with Professor:
After the lecture, we will organize an afternoon tea, providing the chance to communicate with Professor John Braithwaite in face. However, due to venue and food constraints, we can only accommodate 20 participants, it’s on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested, please kindly find the detail and fill out the registration link as below:
- Date: 20 September 2024 (Fri)
- Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Venue: 3rd Floor, E34 Cultural Building
- Registration: Click here
We look forward to meeting you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.
Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 20 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.
澳門大學人文社科高等研究院(高研院)現舉辦特邀嘉賓講座,誠邀您參與由澳大利亞國立大學特聘教授─John Braithwaite主講,主題為“新舊宏觀犯罪學”,是次講堂同時亦邀請澳門大學法學院特聘教授——劉建宏擔任主持人和與談人。詳情請參閱如下:
- 主題:新舊宏觀犯罪學
- 語言:英文
- 日期:2024年9月20日(星期五)
- 時間:上午10時半至12時半
- 地點:崇文樓E34-G011
- 報名:按此
Much can be recovered for a social structural criminology that is better balanced between macro and individualist criminology. Early Marxist criminologists, Durkheim, Robert K Merton, can still be drawn upon. Institutional anomie theory and the theory of collective efficacy in the 1990s laid important new foundations for a macrocriminology that can imagine a society that simultaneously enjoys more freedom and less crime. Sun Yat Sen’s Chinese republicanism is helpful to that ambition. John Braithwaite attempts to take a new step toward a society with less crime and more freedom in his 2022 open access book, Macrocriminology and Freedom.
講座結束後,高研院將安排一場茶聚,讓各位師生與John Braithwaite教授面對面交流,深入探討學術内容。因場地和食物的限制,此次茶歇僅提供20個名額,有興趣的同學和老師可以查看以下詳情及報名,先到先得:
- 日期:2024年9月20日(星期五)
- 時間:下午3時至5時
- 地點:崇文樓E34-3樓高士軒
- 報名:按此
澳門大學人文社科高等研究院 謹啟
按時出席實體講座的學生可獲取1粒至叻星及20個cs「Knowledge integration 」
IAS September Activities 高研院9月活動