【Career Seminar】Exploring Dreams and Career Planning (15 Oct | 14:30 | E2-G012, UM Library Auditorium)

【職涯座談會】探尋夢想與生涯規劃 (10月15日 | 14:30 | E2-G012, 澳大圖書館演講廳)


為提升同學們對生涯發展及規劃的意識,生涯發展中心將舉辦「探尋夢想與生涯規劃」座談會,是次座談會以訪談方式進行。我們誠邀了澳門大學副校長(學生事務)莫啓明教授和工商管理學院特邀實務特聘教授及學院顧問委員會成員葉毓強教授作為分享嘉賓。希望通過嘉賓豐富的經驗分享,激發同學們勇敢探索屬於自己的精彩人生,對自己的職業生涯及人生規劃有深入的反思。此外,葉教授也會分享他的新書著作「心之行 – 學生就業輔導與規劃」中的內容。歡迎各位同學參加。



如有意購買葉毓強教授的新書「心之行 – 學生就業輔導與規劃」,可於2024年11月30日或之前填妥並提交訂購單至upress@cityu.edu.hk,即可獲八折優惠。





生涯發展中心 謹啟

Dear Students,

In order to increase your awareness of career development and planning, the Career Development Centre will organize a career seminar on “Exploring Dreams and Career Planning.” The seminar will take the form of a dialogue. We are honored to have Prof. Mok Kai Meng, Vice Rector (Student Affairs), and Prof. Albert Ip, Adjunct Distinguished Professor in Practice and FBA Advisory Board Member, as guest speakers. By sharing these valuable experiences, we hope that you will be inspired to boldly explore your unique paths and reflect deeply on career and life planning. In addition, Prof. Ip will also share insights from his new book, “心之行 – 學生就業輔導與規劃“. All students are welcome to attend.

Details of the event:

To purchase the book:

If you are interested in purchasing Prof. Albert Ip’s new book, “心之行 – 學生就業輔導與規劃“. Please complete and submit the order form to upress@cityu.edu.hk on or before 30 November 2024 to receive a 20% discount.

Order Form



Thank you very much for your attention.

Best regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office

此活動已列入「全人發展獎勵計劃」中的「全球競爭力」及「至叻星計劃」範疇,全程參與者可獲予“CS” 及"SP"。

This activity will count towards the Global Competitiveness area of the Whole Person Development Award Programme and Smart Point Scheme. Participants who fully participated in the workshop are eligible to receive “CS” and “SP”.