Reminder: (1 Smart Point) Seminar Invitation: NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era! (26 Sep, 14:30-16:00)
提提你: (1粒至叻星) 講座: NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era! (9月26日 14:30-16:00)
Distinguished Seminar:
NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era!

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We are pleased to announce an upcoming distinguished seminar by Prof. Ana Paula Pêgo, from Institute of Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), University of Porto, Portugal. In this seminar, Prof. Pêgo will share the research work of the i3S and her team, and discuss the latest trends in the fields of nanobiomaterals and neuroscience.
All UM staff and students are welcome. Please visit the link below or scan the QR code on the poster to register for the event:
Date: 26 September 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30-16:00
Venue: Lecture Hall G013, N21 Research Building
Registration link: (or, scan the QR code on the poster)
Hope to see you there!
About the Speaker
Ana Paula Pêgo got her Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, in 2002. In 2003 she moved to INEB – Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, where she became a Principal Investigator in 2012. In 2015, INEB joined the i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Universidade do Porto), where Ana Paula Pêgo leads the nanoBiomaterials for Targeted Therapies (nBTT) Group.
By using nanomedicine strategies the nBTT Group, aims at providing in situ and in a targeted manner the required signals to promote nervous tissue regeneration. The research on new biomaterials for application in neurosciences includes the development of new polymers for the design of alternative vectors to viruses for efficient nucleic acid delivery, the preparation of nerve grafts for spinal cord injury treatment and the design of brain tissue engineered platforms. Societal and ethical issues that concern Regenerative Medicine and NanoMedicine are also topics in which Ana Paula Pêgo is involved.
She has been appointed the Scientific Director of the Bioimaging Centre for Biomaterials and Regenerative Therapies of INEB and she is an Invited Associate Professor at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto.
Currently Ana Paula Pêgo is a member of the Board of Directors of i3S, being the Head of Strategy & Creation of Value Unit, is the President of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), serves as an Associate Editor of Biomaterials (Elsevier journal) and is part of the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science (AAAS).
Learn more: