【Advising Service of Career Development Centre】Career Advising Associates are prepared to listen to your needs and discuss further study and career plans with you


Dear students,

Are you looking to develop a clear plan for your future that aligns with your career interests and skills?
Would you like to learn how to prepare for a postgraduate program application?

Our team of Career Advising Associates is here to listen to your needs and discuss your plans for further study and career development. Through one-on-one advising, we will help you better understand yourself and support you in making informed career decisions.

An advising session typically lasts around 50 minutes. To schedule an appointment, please complete the form to reserve a time slot and allow us to prepare for your session. All information shared with us is kept confidential and will not be included in your academic records.






Ms. Rita Kuan of the Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 生涯發展中心 關小姐
8822 4916