Safety Tips for Bicycle Riding and Parking




  • 駕駛時請注意安全
  1. 請以行人安全為先;
  2. 有足夠的保護裝備,建議駕駛單車時佩戴頭盔;
  3. 於人多擠迫的地方,請勿駕駛單車,改以推車前行;
  4. 在設有單車徑的路段必須使用單車徑,並應遵守靠左行駛及讓其他單車使用者從右方超車,按交通標誌及道路標記指示的方向騎單車;
  5. 切勿在馬路上逆駛,並使用斑馬線推單車過馬路;
  6. 必須遵守所有交通及道路標誌指示;
  7. 禁止單車進入建築物內;
  8. 晚上駕駛單車時須開啟單車頭燈及尾燈;
  9. 根據澳門《道路交通法》,單車駕駛者不可載客;
  10. 校園內不建議使用車鈴;
  11. 禁止單車進入行車隧道及不能於行人隧道及行人路騎單車,違反者可被檢控。

*為免意外發生,行人應使用行人過路設施, 切勿佔用單車徑

  • 停泊單車時須注意以下事項
  1. 停泊單車時,須注意不能阻擋行人通道及造成行人通行不便;
  2. 切勿留下個人物品於單車上及離開前應將單車上鎖,以防失竊;
  3. 請將單車泊在有單車泊車標示的停泊區內。

   如有任何查詢,請致電8822 8439或發送電郵至 與本處職員聯絡。


保安及設施服務處  謹啓

In order to raise the safety awareness of bicycle riding and parking on campus, please pay attention to the below items:

  • Safety Goes First
  1. Safety of pedestrians should be in the first priority;
  2. Protective equipment is important to cyclists. It is strongly recommended to wear helmet when riding bicycle;
  3. In crowded or narrow places, it is safer to dismount and walk alongside your bicycle;
  4. Always use bicycle lanes when available, always ride on the left of the bicycle lanes and allow other cyclists to pass you on the right. Ride only in the direction indicated by traffic signs and road markings;
  5. Do not cycle or travel in the opposite direction, always use the bicycle crossing system for safety concern;
  6. Observe traffic signs and road directions;
  7. Bicycles are not allowed inside any building;
  8. Keep the front and rear lights on when cycling in night time;
  9. According to the “Lei do Transito Rodoviario” of Macao SAR, under no circumstances should a cyclist carry another passenger;
  10. Bells are not recommended to use on campus;
  11. Entering tunnel with bicycle and cycling in pedestrian subway and on pavements are prohibited, offenders will be prosecuted.

*For sake of safety, pedestrians are reminded to make use of the pedestrian crossing facilities instead of bicycle lanes

  • Bicycle Parking
  1. Do not block pathways or cause inconvenience to pedestrians;
  2. Lock your bicycle and take all your personal property with you before leaving;
  3. Please park your bicycles in designated bicycle parking area.


For inquiries, please contact our SFS colleague at 8822 8439 or send email to

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Security and Facilities Services  Section