One-day College Life Experience for Secondary Students at MCMC: Pui Ching Middle School, Macau
中學生美好的一天:書院生活體驗在滿珍 – 澳門培正中學
On 6th February, 2023, Pui Ching Middle School Macau Principal, Dr Kou Kam Fai, led a delegation of 23 Form 5 students and 8 faculty members to experience a day of college life at MCM College. The tour began at the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and were warmly received by Profs. Pui In MAK and Chi Seng LAM. Shortly after, the group visited different laboratories at FST departments: Sensor-based Cooperative Robotics Laboratory (SCORE Lab), Laboratory for Ocean Environmental Pollution Analysis and Assessment, Automotive Engineering Laboratory, and Structures Laboratory. The aim was to stimulate the interests of scientific research among local secondary students.
When lunch at College Hall concluded, students continued their guided tour of MCM College to learn more about community and peer education across UM’s collegiate system. Participants took part in two experiential learning workshops: “Portuguese for Beginners” and “Career Interests Exploration”, conducted by Dr. Manuel Noronha and Miss. Alice Hong respectively. Finally, four senior college student representatives were invited to highlight their personal respective college experiences during a small group sharing session. Pui Ching School students expressed their interest in continuing their studies at the University of Macau and looked forward to experiencing residential college life.
MCM College Master, Prof. Kwok Cheung CHEUNG, presented certificates of participation to the group, and the activity came to a close.
Visit State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI
Visit to FST laboratories: Sensor-based Cooperative Robotics Laboratory (SCORE Lab), Laboratory for Ocean Environmental Pollution Analysis and Assessment, Automotive Engineering Laboratory, and Structures Laboratory.
College Tour
RC experiential learning workshops
College life sharing
參觀結束後,參訪團前往滿珍紀念書院午膳,並由導師帶領進行書院導覽,以了解澳大住宿式書院的社群教育。 期後,參與者參加了由Dr. Manuel Noronha和洪盈惠女士帶領的體驗式學習工作坊—「葡語入門」和「生涯興趣探索」。課程結束後,三位院生受邀與參訪同學分享他們的大學生活。分享會上,培正學生紛紛表示有意到澳門大學繼續升學,並期待體驗住宿式書院生活。最後,書院院長張國祥教授為大家頒發參與證書,度過了在滿珍美好的一天。