【Application】UM Mental Health Awareness Month: “M-health online psychological intervention”


此項目由 清華大學臨床心理實驗室 X 澳門大學心理輔導中心 合辦

如果你總在考前深夜輾轉反側、焦慮難眠,擔憂自己的成績落後,如果在學習旅程中, 你不斷遭遇挑戰與挫折,那麼加入我們,一起學習和掌握戰勝焦慮的方法




This program is co-organized by Clinical Psychology Laboratory of Tsinghua University and Psychological Counselling Centre of University of Macau

If you often find yourself tossing and turning late at night before an exam, struggling to fall asleep, if you worry about falling behind in your studies,
If you frequently face challenges and setbacks in your academic journey, join us to learn effective strategies for overcoming anxiety!

You can join us with six weeks of online course guidance, Professional psychological assessment and effectiveness evaluation.

Data shows that if you complete at least half of the course assignments, your anxiety levels can decrease by an average of about 35%!

Welcome to join !